Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Annually and it’s already the 15th time that Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian Maecenas League organize Petro Yatsyk competition in the Ukrainian language. The aim of the competition is to consolidate status of the Ukrainian language is state language, its prestige raising...
During last time, an important role in the university has been playing an academic mobility; according to current definition it is an important part of integration process in higher education which gives students, lecturers and PhD students an opportunity to take part in educational and scientific...
From heart to heart, from country to country – it was the title of curator’s hour, which was held at Department of Economics, group 31 by curator, Candidate in Economic Sciences Lyudmyla Chvertko. Idea of the event was not accidental. This year Department of Economics received foreign students:...
Recently, students of History Department visited a famous tale-teller, scenarist, actor, author of TV programmes, engineer, member of Kyiv band “Viy”, honorary title holder “Honoured culture worker of Ukraine”, Oleksandr Vlasyuk, more famous by name Sashko Lirnyk.
The first stage of a project “Innovative university and leadership”, organized on the initiative of Warsaw University «ArtesLiberales» Department, Ukrainian HEI Rector Union and International fund of educational research policy was successfully finished. The aim of the project is training of...
Arts is incomprehensible and incomparable – You can never use your brain to understand it, It’s mysterious, sacred, holy and durable, It leads humanity by spiritual road. O. Nikonenko Yesterday’s autumn day brought a real festival with him – our university celebrated the 25th...
At Social and Psychological Education Department was held regional scientific and practical seminar “Stop Violence”, dedicated to Women Violence Liquidation Day. The aim of the seminar was to tell students about problem of women violence, active and negative position towards different kinds of...
Representatives of SPED took part in the work of round table “Urgent tasks and perspectives of family and school cooperation in youth upbringing”, which was held on the initiative of Uman education department city council. The aim of the round table was to analyze contemporary state of family and...
So many years exist mankind, so many they debate about a few matters among them is patriotism. In the list of human passions patriotism is inferior only to love. But patriotism is a kind of love. Patriotism is eternal appeal in all times and all the situations which unites nations, leads them...
Third year students of Art and Pedagogics Department, Instrumental Performance Chair, Katarina Bogichevych and Boyan Vasych (class of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Olena Ustymenko-Kosorich) represented Uman State Pedagosical University at VII “International Competition of Musicians in...