Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

St. Mykolai’s day was celebrated in the university hostel. In spite of light had been switched off in the beginning, nobody went away and the holiday was succeeded! The event participators had a fun from the competitions and presents from St. Mykolai.
On the 12th-13th of December in the city of Boryspil took place Weight Sports Cup of Ukraine, in which participated more than 100 sportsmen. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was represented by two students of Physical Training Department – Valentyn Khmilyovyi and Oleg Legin.
Each year the university workers initiate and take part in charitable actions dedicated to St. Mykolai Day. This year there were a lot of such actions and they had become special. One of such events visited children whose parents are at ATO zone or were perished in the eastern part of Ukraine. As...
Recently, at the university took place scientific and methodical seminar “Literature and language teacher is an innovator of methodical ideas”, which was organized by Scientific and Methodical Centre “National and linguistic personality development in terms of continuing education”. In the event...
St. Mykolai wanders around Ukraine, he presents joy and inspiration for noble deeds. We congratulate you on this light and joyful holiday of Christians. On this day our houses are full of joy, light, warmth, good expectations and hopes, we are waiting for a small wonder, which can come true...
The social action under the slogan “Today you help them, tomorrow they will help you!” was held on the initiative of students from Department of Economics. By this action students expressed their attitude to nowadays difficult events in the country.
On the 17th of December Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University opened its doors to those who wanted to get to know about the educational establishment, higher education and 2015 entrance company peculiarities. At about 700 university entrants from 7 regions of Ukraine – Cherkasy,...
On the 12th-14th of December in Kyiv on basis of Higher republican vocational school of physical education was held the World Championship in powerlifting, multiple bench press and single press in GPF version.
Second year student of Physics and Mathematics Department Yulia Maslyuchenko represented Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University at the International competition of human pedagogy “Each Child is the National Achievement of the Country and State”, which took place on the basis of Lviv...
Recently, in Kyiv at NSC “Olimpiyskiy” was held All-Ukrainian forum, aimed at employment and youth unemployment problems solving, in particular, youth first job placement. The forum organizers were Ministry of youth and sports of Ukraine together with the Department of education and science, youth...