Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

At USPU there is a documental exhibition “1932-1933 famishment is Ukrainian people genocide”, which was prepared by lecturers and students of History Department. The exposition includes historical researches on 1932-1933 famishment, list of thematic documentaries reccomended to watch by...
Members of the University Literary Association named after Mykola Bazhan are among the winners of All-Ukrainian patriotic poetry contest “Ukraine is in the edge of poetry” (regional stage), organized by regional organization National writers union of Ukraine initiated by head of Cherkasy Region...
USPU students, in particular volunteers of Student Social and Psychological Service accepted invitation of Social and Psychological Rehabilitation Centre in Uman and visited a festival “Golden Autumn”. Children were glad to see their friends and followed them to the assemly hall. Kids prepared a...
On the 22nd of November in Uman was held mournful requiem meeting to commemorate famishment victims and political mass repressions in which participated USPU representatives, in particular students and lecturers of History Department.
On the occasion of Revolution of Dignity anniversary, 12 group students of History Department suggested students and lecturers to remember the chronology of events, which changed mind and consciousness of many Ukrainians. During a day in the entrance hall of the university new building there was...
On Wednesdays our university organizes watching films. But this week it was even more interesting; in the framework of Students’ Week film watching was complemented with a present from university leavers. Their nativive university visited vocal band “Sunrise” and Oleg Universal.
The famishment is a horrible page from our history. It’s so horrible that people prefer not to speak about it. It’s what we want to forget. But we mustn’t! We do remember! We stoop down for innocent victims of terrible hunger pestilence in our rich in bread land. Let’s set on fire candles in...
On the 18th-19th of November took place International Student Tournament in History, organized by Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. USPU students from History Department traditionally took part in the competition. As a result of two previous tournaments (2012, 2013) students of our university took...
Today in the central square of the city was held the all-city event, dedicated to Dignity and Liberty Day; representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University participated in this event. Representatives of state organizations, educational establishments came together to honour...
With foundation and coordinator of its programmes in Ukraine – “Informatio-Consortium” Association assistance our Scientific library has access to JSTOR leading scientific journals archive collections. JSTOR – is journals’ digital library (more than 2500 titles). Scientific works are...