Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

We congratulate all the light-hearted and quick-witted USPU team members on International Day of KVN (the Club for the ligh-hearted and quick-witted)! It is known that laughter prolongs life, and life of KVN player prolongs audience laughter. Good examples of this are games of our university...
Patriotism is always in need for people, state and under current conditions for Ukraine it is of vital necessity. Patriotic education of young generation includes different methods and means of influence. But the most important is everyone’s attraction to sufficient activities for the Motherland....
Time doesn’t stop… Each day brings new problems which should be solved, and these problems diturb first of all the youth. Therefore, at Social and Psychological Education Department was held a talk show “Early Marriage: For and against”. The event moderators were Veronica Smitanka and Victoria...
Recently, the team of USPU participated in the football contest, which was held at the stadium of Uman National Gardening University. In the main tournament of the city took part 8 teams. Such teams as “Umanfermmash”, “Pedcollege” and “Zorya (Star)” played in one group with our football team. Our...
At 14.15 on the 6th of November in the conference hall of the old building of our university will be held the presentation of international projects EMINENCE and EMINENCE 2. We invite students, PhD students and teachers of the university. Bet regards, International activities...
In the beginning of October students of Ukrainian Philology Department visited soldiers wounded in ATO zone who were cured at the Main Military Clinical Hospital (Kyiv). Students and teachers of the university collected at about 6000 hryvnias for protectors’ treatment. They visited two...
On October 30-31 there was held on basis of our university International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Main Directions of Contemporary Teacher Training: Globalization, Standardization, and Integration”. The organizers of the conference were Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical...
The beginning of November for our university is marked by an important event – National Drama and Comedy Theatre has won the first prize at XIV All-Ukrainian amateur theatre and circus festival “Theatre Forum 2014” in nomination “Student Amateur Theatre Groups”. Our theatre-goers have won the...
So many countries, so many customs, i.e. each country has its own customs, traditions and culture. One of peculiar sides is cuisine. Its variety and unique character reproduced USPU students at charity fair “World Nations Cuisine” which took place on October, 30. Each department presented...
On the first Sunday of November Social Sphere Workers Day is celebrated in Ukraine. Social work is very difficult, but very necessary for people! The professional formula of social sphere specialists is to understand people, feel their pain, and be glad of smd’s happiness. This is the holiday...