During last time, an important role in the university has been playing an academic mobility; according to current definition it is an important part of integration process in higher education which gives students, lecturers and PhD students an opportunity to take part in educational and scientific exchange programmes of the EU countries. This year the possibility to carry out his scientific training in the framework of Eminence II project of Erasmus Mundus academic mobility in University of Porto (Porto, Portugal) has Candidate of Philological Sciences, assistant professor at the English Language and Teaching Methods Chair Oleg Komar, who says that it’s very useful and pleasant opportunity for him.

University of Porto is the biggest Portuguese university by its students, amount of scientific researches and printed production issues. Annually, te university welcomes more than 100 students in the framework of different academic mobility programmes. Oleg Komar is trained at Humanities Department where study more than 3000 students in 13 bachelor, 30 master and 18 doctor programmes. The department has a huge library, funds of which enlist almost 300000 printed copies and scientific literature thematic collections; they can be found in the electronic catalogue.

From scholarship holder’s words, training programme is very various, as it includes both scientific work and participation in educational process and cultural events, etc. Special attentions deserve people with whom you should work. They are always ready to help, support, explain matters, which is difficult for foreigners to understand.

Erasmus Mundus academic mobility scholarship holder Oleg Komar expresses his gratitude to the university administration in the person of rector, professor Nataliya Pobirchenko and international activities coordinator, professor Oksana Zabolotna for organization of such project and given opportunity to participate in it; he is also grateful to Foreign Languages Department administration in the person of dean, associate professor Nadiia Brit for her support, understanding and useful instructions. For students and lecturers who have desire to participate in the project the next year, Oleg Stanislavovych wishes success and fortune. Participation in the academic mobility programme is great experience, which is worth to gain and share!

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