The educational process at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is a structured system of organizational and didactic measures aimed at implementing the content of education of a certain educational degree (educational qualification level) in accordance with the requirements of educational standards and higher education standards.
The educational process is based on the principles of science, humanism, democracy, continuity and gradual education. At the same time, it focuses on the formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality, capable of constant refreshing of knowledge, professional mobility and accelerated adaptation in the transition period of reforming the economy of agriculture and forestry.
The legal framework for the organization of the educational process at the university is described in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", "Regulations on the organization of the educational process", educational-professional and educational-scientific training programs of relevant professional fields and qualification levels.
Degree system of training
Graduation of higher education is to obtain various educational degrees (ED) or educational qualification levels (EQL) of specialists at the appropriate levels of higher education. Graduation of higher education can be realized both through a continuous training program and differentiated, according to the structure of graduation.
Training of specialists at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is carried out for ED "Bachelor" and "Master" and EQL "Specialist" according to the relevant educational-professional or educational-scientific programs gradually or continuously depending on the level of mastering skills and abilities necessary for future professional activity.
Persons who have an EQL "Junior Specialist" or a complete secondary education are accepted to study under bachelor's degree programs.
Educational and professional bachelor's degree programs provide simultaneous acquisition of basic higher education in the specialty and qualification of a bachelor on the basis of complete general secondary education. The bachelor's degree program consists of compulsory and elective courses (chosen by the university and students), as well as various types of practical training.
The normative term of training of the ED "Bachelor" is four years. The normative term of training is reduced by one or two years for persons with EQL of a junior specialist in the relevant specialty.
Persons who have a Bachelor's degree or a EQL "Specialist" are accepted for the training programs of the ED "Master"
Educational-professional and educational-scientific programs of master's training include in-depth fundamental, humanitarian, socio-economic, psychological-pedagogical, special and scientific-practical training.
Educational-professional (educational-scientific) master's training programs provide simultaneous obtaining of full higher education in the specialty and master's qualification on the basis of the corresponding educational-professional bachelor's program (standard term of study 1 year 4 months)
Persons who have successfully completed the state certification, receive documents of the established sample on receiving full higher education on a specialty and qualification of the master's degree.
Specialists who have an EQL "Specialist" or ED "Master" can continue their training in postgraduate studies, and then - doctoral studies to obtain the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" or "PhD".
Alumni of the Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University of all ED and EQL degree, as well as specialists with higher education degrees can engage in professional activities in accordance with the chosen specialty.
Forms of education
Education at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is carried out in the following forms:
- Full-time;
- Part-time (distance).
Full-time form of education is the main form of obtaining a certain level of education with separation from work.
Part-time is a form of obtaining a higher education degree at each level of higher education without separation from work and provides, as a rule, two laboratory examination sessions, the duration of which is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Holidays" for 30-40 calendar days. The organization of the educational process in the intersessional period is regulated by individual capabilities and the student's ability to independently develop an individual plan.
Distance learning is a type of part-time learning, which is based on the use of specific educational technologies with modern teaching methods, technical means of communication and information transfer. The normative base, which is used, is the normative base of part-time learning.
Evaluation system
Types of control of students' knowledge (listeners`) are current control, intermediate and final certification.
Current control is carried out during practical, laboratory and seminar classes and aims to check the level of readiness of the student (listener) to perform specific work.
Intermediate attestation is carried out after studying the material of each content module, into which the lecturer of the discipline divided its educational material (recommended number of content modules - 2-4).
Intermediate attestation should determine the level of knowledge of the student (listener) from the program material of the content module (rating assessment from the content module), obtained during all types of classes and independent work.
Forms and methods of intermediate certification of mastering the program material of the content module are developed by the lecturer of the discipline and approved by the relevant department in the form of testing, written tests, colloquium, the result of the experiment, which can be quantified, calculated, etc.
Assimilation by the student (listener) of the material of the content module is considered successful if its rating estimation does not less than 60 points on a 100-point scale.
Final certification includes semester and final certification of the student (listener).
Semester certification is conducted in the form of a semester exam or semester test in a particular discipline.
Semester exam (hereinafter - the exam) is a form of final certification of mastering by the student (listener) of theoretical and practical material on the discipline for the semester.
The results of examinations and differentiated tests are evaluated on a four-point scale ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory"), and tests - on a two-point scale ("passed", "not passed") and are put in the examination list, test book, student's study card.
Students who receive more than two unsatisfactory grades during the session will be expelled from the university.
Students who received no more than two unsatisfactory grades during the session are allowed to eliminate academic debt before the beginning of the next semester. Repeated examinations are allowed no more than twice in each discipline: first - to two scientific and pedagogical workers who took the exam, the second - to the commission created by the dean of the faculty
Students who missed the exams without reasonable excuse are considered to receive “unsatisfactory” grades.
Practical training
Practical training of students is an integral and mandatory component of the educational and professional training program, which contributes to the consolidation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students at the university and their deepening.
The purpose of practical training is to consolidate the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, master new technologies, form professional skills and abilities to make independent decisions, educate the need for systematic updating of their knowledge for their practical application, psychological adaptation to specific conditions of professional activity. contribute to improving the quality of training.
The objective of practical training are:
- training of specialists who are able to solve production problems in modern market conditions and have the techniques and methods that are part of the latest technologies;
- acquisition of professional skills;
- the ability to make independent decisions based on the specific production situation;
- introduction into production the advanced technologies and results of scientific researches;
- cooperation with the workforce and the ability to adapt;
- acquisition of a relevant working profession.
The list of types of practices for each area of training and specialty, their forms, duration and timing are determined by the curriculum and schedule of the educational process.
As part of the training of highly qualified specialists at the university, various forms and types of practical training are widely used, which give students the opportunity to become competitive specialists on the labor market during their studies.
Training practices are conducted at the initial courses of bachelor training programs in classrooms and laboratories, clinics, workshops, in the fields of agrobiostations, as well as leading enterprises, organizations and institutions of Ukraine that meet the requirements of educational and professional bachelor training programs. The task of such practices is to acquaint students with the specifics of the future profession, their acquisition of primary professional skills and abilities, in some cases - mastering the profession. The management of the internship is provided by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, who according to the order of the rector are responsible for the implementation of the internship program and provide assistance for the implementation of the internship programs.
Production practices. The task of such practices is to expand, deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that students received during the study of a cycle of special theoretical disciplines and the formation of skills of practical application of this knowledge, as well as collecting factual material for course projects (works) and graduation works. Production practice is carried out at enterprises (organizations, institutions) on the basis of concluded agreements.
Undergraduate internship is the final stage of practical training and the preparatory stage for the final qualification work. It is held at the graduation course in order to summarize and improve the acquired knowledge, practical skills, mastery of professional experience and their readiness for independent work, as well as collecting material for the preparation of graduation theses.
Scholarship - a permanent cash payment provided regularly (usually monthly) to pupils and students of secondary special and higher educational institutions, as well as postgraduate and doctoral students, subject to successful study. Regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" Art. № 54, item 2: “Persons who study in higher education institutions on a full-time basis at the expense of the state or local budgets have the right to receive a social or academic scholarship. The size of scholarships, the procedure for their appointment and payment shall be established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. ”
Deciding on the appointment and deprivation of academic or social scholarships, providing financial assistance to scholarship holders, encouraging the best of them for academic success, participation in public, sports and research activities is entrusted to the Rector's Scholarship Commission established by order of the Rector.
According to the rules for awarding academic scholarships, academic scholarships are:
- scholarships established by the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (including nominal), which are awarded to students, graduate students based on the results of a certain educational degree, the size and procedure of which are determined by separate regulations;
- minimum ordinary (regular) academic scholarships;
- minimum ordinary (regular) academic scholarships in the increased amount - for students studying in specialties (specializations), defined by the list of specialties (specializations) of branches for which the increased size of academic scholarships is approved in the established order.
increased scholarships for special academic achievements
If a scholarship holder has the right to receive several academic scholarships, one scholarship of the largest size is paid, unless another is provided by law.
The university also has a system of encouraging the best students in education: nominal and personal scholarships, scholarships of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are established and paid.
The Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University carries out significant, socially important work for society. Orphans, anti-terrorist operation participants, children of anti-terrorist operation participants, students with special needs, they are constantly worked with and assisted.
Schedule of the educational process
Theoretical training in the 2020/2021 academic year will last:
First semester - from 01.09.2020 to 27.12.2020 (17 academic weeks).
Examination session - from 28.12.2020 to 16.01.2019 (including liquidation of academic debt).
Holidays - from 18.01.2021 to 31.01.2021
Second semester - from 01.02.2021 to 29.05.2021 (17 academic weeks).
Examination session - from 31.05.2021 to 30.06.2021 (including liquidation of academic debt).
Holidays - from 01.07.2021 to 31.08.2021
Certification of applicants for higher education
According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" of 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII (Article 6. Certification of higher education) certification of higher education at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is carried out by examination commissions (EC).
The term of work of the EC is one calendar year.
The formation, organization of work and control over the activities of the EC is carried out by the rector of the University.
The tasks of the examination commissions are:
- conducting attestations of students (listeners) of the University - establishing compliance with the level of knowledge, skills, and other competencies acquired by applicants for higher education to the requirements of higher education standards;
- making a decision on awarding a person who has successfully completed an educational program at a certain level of higher education, the appropriate degree of higher education (educational qualification level - EQL) and awarding the appropriate qualification;
- development of proposals for further improvement of the quality of training of specialists in the relevant field of training, specialty (specialization).
Certification is carried out openly and publicly. Applicants for higher education and other persons present at the attestation, including during the defense of the dissertation, are free to carry out audio and/or video recording of the attestation process.
Certification of persons obtaining a master's degree may be carried out in the form of a single final qualifying examination in the specialties and in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The work of examination commissions at the University is regulated by the relevant Regulations
The results of the final examinations or (and) defense of diploma projects (works) or master's theses are evaluated on a 100-point scale and translated into national evaluation ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory") and ECTS evaluation according to the table.
EC decision on assessment of final exams or (and) defense of diploma projects (works) or master's theses, as well as on the issuance of diplomas (diplomas with honors) on graduation from the University, awarding the appropriate degree (EQL) and awarding the appropriate qualification closed meeting of the EC by open voting by a simple majority of votes of EC members who participated in its meeting. With the same number of votes, the President of the EC has a casting vote. Grades are given by each member of the EC, and the chairman summarizes their results for each student (listener). One grade is given for the theoretical and practical part of the exam.
Students (listeners) who have successfully passed the final exams, as well as defended a diploma project (work) or master's thesis in accordance with the educational and professional training program, the EC decision is awarded the appropriate educational degree (EQL) and appropriate qualifications.
Students (students) who have at least 75 percent of excellent grades in all disciplines and practical training, subject to grades "good" in other disciplines and excellent grades in the state certification (final exam or defense of a diploma project (work) or master's thesis) receive the relevant documents on education of the state standard with honors.
A student (listener) who has received an unsatisfactory grade during the final exam, defense of the thesis (project) or master's thesis, is expelled from the University and is issued an academic certificate.
In cases where the defense of a thesis (project) or master's thesis is considered unsatisfactory, the EC determines whether the student (listener) can re-submit the same work with revision, or he is obliged to work on a new topic.
Educational and methodical documentation
- Порядок підвищення кваліфікації педагогічних і науково-педагогічних працівників
- Порядок присвоєння професійних кваліфікацій в УДПУ нове
- Порядок визнання результатів навчання, здобутих шляхом неформальної або інформальної освіти в УДПУ
- Положення про центр дистанційного навчання
- Положення про силабус навчальної дисципліни
- Положення про сертифікацію електронних навчальних курсів, розміщених у системі дистанційного навчання
- Положення про самостійну роботу ЗВО
- Положення про робочу програму навчальної дисципліни
- Положення про порядок створення та організацію роботи Екзаменаційної комісії (Нова редакція)
- Положення про порядок перезарахування результатів навчання та визначення академічної різниці в УДПУ
- Положення про порядок замовлення, видачі та обліку документів про вищу освіту
- Положення про порядок вільного вибору навчальних дисциплін здобувачами вищої освіти
- Положення про порядок відрахування, переривання навчання, поновлення і перевелення осіб, які навчаються в УДПУ
- Положення про планування та облік основних видів робіт НПП
- Положення про освітні програми в УДПУ (Нова редакція)
- Положення про організацію практик в УДПУ (Нова редакція)
- Положення про організацію освітнього процесу в УДПУ (Нова редакція)
- Положення про науково-методичну роботу на кафедрах
- Положення про науково-методичну комісію факультету інституту
- Положення про курсові роботи в УДПУ (Нова редакція)
- Положення про дуальну форму здобуття вищої освіти
- Положення про дистанційне навчання
- Положення про групи зі змісту та якості освіти
- Положення про гаранта, проєктну(робочу) групу та групу забезпечення ОП
- Положення про відкриті навчальні заняття
- Положення про випускні кваліфікаційні роботи в УДПУ (Нова редакція)
- Положення про видачу диплома з відзнакою
- Положення про Всеукраїнські олімпіади для професійної орієнтації вступників на основі повної загальної середньої освіти
- Положення про Європейську кредитно-трансферну систему навчання в Уманському державному педагогічному універсиетті імені Павла Тичини
- Положенння про контроль та оцінювання навчальних досягнень ЗВО в УДПУ
- ПРАВИЛА призначення стипендій студентам, аспірантам і докторантам 26.06.19
- Концепція вивчення ІМ в УДПУ імені Павла Тичини