Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The day before celebration of International Volunteer’s Day in Cherkasy was held a meeting for all volunteers from Cherkasy region. Yuriy Tkachenko, head of State Regional Administration congratulated everybody on the holiday, summed up work, carried out by volunteers and in the end of the...
On the 6th of December, in Armed Foces of Ukraine Day, students and lecturers of Ukrainian Philology Department visited wounded herous from the ATO zone at Main Military Clinical Hospital in Kyiv.
Under such title was held Charity festival of creative work, dedicated to the International Disabled People Day, which was celebrated in the university assembly hall on the 4th of December. The event was initiated by Social and Educational Integration of Students with Special Needs Scientific and...
Today is celebrated professional holiday of the Ukrainian state defenders – Armed Forces of Ukraine Day. Regardless of short official history of the Ukrainian army, its real age is about several centuries; its fighting traditions have been formed during difficult wars and conflicts. Today Armed...
At the university hostel was celebrated Armed Forces of Ukraine Day. An entertaining competition program raised mood of all the hostel’s residents. Both girls and boys participated in the competition. The boys showed the way to dress in quickly by whistle’s sign and the way to write beautiful...
The exhibition of students’, lecturers’ and graduate students’ works of arts of USPU Imitative Chair is open at Uman Picture Gallery. The exhibition is dedicated to 25th anniversary of arts specialties in USPU; there you can find works carried out in different techniques – pictorial (oil,...
On the initiative of lecturer Vasyl Semenchuk at Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnology and Teaching Methods of Ukrainian Philology Department in the framework of 200 anniversary of T. Shevchenko birthday and 125 anniversary of Ostap Vyshnya’s birthday took place creative meeting in the...
Ganna Litvinova, 35 group student of Arts and Pedagogics Department, is 19 years old. Since she is 10, she paints and dreams to become a famous painter. But today her dream seems to be unrealizable – her hard disease (muscles and back atrophy) doesn’t give Ganna possibility to walk, stand and even...
Today, the civilized world celebrates International Disabled People Day, which is both society’s demand to mercy giving and taking care of disabled people from one side, it attracts attention of the whole world to their problems of integration and socialization from the other. Disabled people...
Regional scientific and methodological seminar “Vasyl Skurativsky – is a working Titan in the field of national and cultural revival (to the 25th anniversary of famous folklorist and writer)” was held by lecturers of Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and Teaching Methods Chair, PhD...