Arts is incomprehensible and incomparable –
You can never use your brain to understand it,
It’s mysterious, sacred, holy and durable,
It leads humanity by spiritual road.
O. Nikonenko

Yesterday’s autumn day brought a real festival with him – our university celebrated the 25th anniversary of arts specialties at USPU. In the concert made their performances talented painters, choreographers, musicians, arts work veterans, honorary guests, students, graduates, and simply Arts admirers.

The event began with video presentation about history of Arts education at the university, university groups and bands, Arts and Pedagogical Department. Choreographical composition of “Salutary (Pryvitalna)” by national dance ensemble “Yavoryna” opened the concert programme.

The concert was directed by Lyudmyla Gekalyuk and Petro Voloshyn, who welcomed gusts and everybody who was at the concert hall.

As a tradition, welcoming speech as made by USPU rector, professor, honored worker of Ukraine Nataliya Pobirchenko, who has been a dean of Arts and Pedagogical Department during 90th, after she initiated Institute of Social and Arts Education formation. “Today we celebrate the 25th anniversary of my favorite, very talented department. Arts and Pedagogy Department is a heart of our university” – said Nataliya Semenivna, congratulating workers of the department on the anniversary. She wishes creative inspiration in further work and great achievements.

Rector awarded the department workers with diplomas. For her faithful work and contribution into specialists training Vira Kalabska, assistant professor of Instrumental Performance Chair received a diploma from Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. For their faithful work and contribution into specialists training Vsevolod Sirota, assistant professor of Imitative Arts Chair, Leonid Yatlo, assistant professor of Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair received a diploma from USPU.

USPU gratitude for their faithful work, active social activity, and great contribution to educational process development received Nadiya Zbozhymska, a lecturer of Instrumental Performance Chair, Anatoliy Kupchyk, senior lecturer of Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair, Tetyana Kremeshna, assistant professor of Instrumental Performance Chair, Svitlana Radchenko, senior lecturer of Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair, Youriy Shcherbakov, concertmaster of Choreography and Culture of the Arts Chair, Volodymyr Lopushan, senior lecturer of Imitative Arts Chair, Nataliya Kosenko, laboratorian of Choreography and Culture of the Arts Chair.

That day there were a lot of honorary guests. Deputy Head of Uman mayor, Lyudmyla Kyrylyuk, head of Department of Culture of Uman city council Tetyana Geyko, member of Department of Education of Uman city council, Arts and Pedagogy Department graduate Inna Tolobystyuk greeted all the present.

Executive committee of Uman city council awarded diplomas of honor to Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor at Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair Dmytro Baldynyuk and Arts and Pedagogics Department dean, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor Olena Dudnuk for sufficient contribution in education and science development, innovation technologies in education process introduction, faithful work and on occasion of the 25th anniversary of Music, Choreography and Imitative Arts Chair creation at USPU.

For sufficient personal contribution in national arts development and popularization, spiritual values of Ukrainians enrichment, active participation in cultural and artistic events and on occasion of the 25th anniversary of artistic specialities creation Culture and Tourism Department of Uman city council awarded Olga Muzyka (head of Imitative Arts Chair), Gennadiy Kleshchar (senior lecturer of Imitative Arts Chair), Petro Voloshyn and Vasyl Semenchuk (assistant professors of Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair, members of band “Gonta”), Lyudmyla Androshchuk (head of Choreography and Culture of the Arts Chair, director of modern dance ensemble “Vizavi”), Sergiy Kutsenko (senior lecturer of Choreography and Culture of the Arts Chair, director of national dance ensemble “Yavoryna”).

Uman city council awarded diplomas to assistant professor of Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair Zoya Sirota and senior lecturer of the same chair Nadiya Baldynyuk for effective collaboration, active life and social position, great contribution in youth education.

The department of an anniversary accepted greetings from directors of friend educational establishments who collaborate with our university for many years. Thus, director of Taras Shevchenko Uman humanitarian and pedagogical college Olga Chepka and director of Uman regional school of music Oksana Lihachenko congratulated and thanked the department for collaboration, wished prosperity and new successes. They presented our rector Nataliya Pobirchenko symbolic gifts – godness Nika statuette and flowers in patriotic blue-and-yellow colours; students of school of music, drummer band greeted the department with their performance.

Dean of the Arts and Pedagogy Department at present time, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor Olena Dudnyk made a speech. She expressed her gratitude to her colleagues for their professionalism, responsibility and devotion, thanked the rector for her support, understanding and help.

The greeting were also expressed by assistant professor and head of Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair Dmytro Baldynyuk, who has been contributing to musical education since its creation and for 25 years was its history maker. Dmyto Ivanovych remembered workers with whom he organized training in two artistic specialties in remote 90th. With a minute of silence all the present honored past workers of university who were connected with artistic education. Owing to their talent, professionalism, and initiativeness were created and became famous many students’ collectives, creative groups and bands. Today they win at different levels festivals and competition, bring fame to our university and create its good image.

Dmytro Ivanovych for his great contribution in artistic education development received from graduates a tasty present – a cake in the shape of bayan.

Colleagues from Shevchenkivska special boarding school greeted the department too. A good surprize was video greeting from Yuriy Ponomarev who was a head of Choreography and Musical Instruments Chair, director of ensemble “Musical Patterns”; he is currently in Brazil.

The official part of the festival was finished with students’ gratitude to their teachers expression. The gratitude to talented and professional pedagogues was also expressed with the help of the festive concert. The concert programme had begun with fairy chorographical composition “Snowstorm”, which was performed by modern dance ensemble “Vizavi” (director Lyudmyla Androshchuk) and instrumental ensemble “Musical Patterns” (director Vira Kalabska). Orchestra’s melody was harmoniously followed by lightsome and graceful dancers’ movements.

The relay baton was handed to academic chorus “The Youth” (director – honored worker of Culture of Ukraine, assistant professor Leonid Yatlo), who performed a song set to T. Shevchenko’s poem “Study, my brothers” and “Students’ March”.

Special atmosphere and good mood created choreography compositions “Toreador’s Cloak” and “Halay”, performed by modern dance ensemble “Vizavi” and national dance ensemble “Yavoryna” (director – Sergiy Kutsenko). Spanish and Turkish dances rhythm was changed to hearty and lyric melody of the song “Like you”, performed by Oleksandr Bidenko.

Very touching was the performance of Georges Bizet “Habanera”, performed by senior lecturer of Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair Nadiya Baldynyuk and modern dance ensemble “Vizavi”. Art of dance and song fascinated the audience by emotional coloring and incredibility.

The festival couldn’t take place without Arts and Pedagogics Department graduating students, who work nowadays at different educational establishments, they are directors of creative groups. Children choreography group “Step forward” (director – USPU graduating student Victoria Globchak) presented incredible moments of joy and pleasure.

The ovations were caused by young vocalists from Balta arts school. Jazz quartet “The best” is headed by a student of Arts and Pedagogy Department Volodymyr Kaminskyi.

Nobody was indifferent to former students of Arts and Pedagogy Department, now – lecturers at Musicology, Vocal and Chorus Disciplines Chair, creative group “Gonta” members – Vasyl Semenchuk and Petro Voloshyn.

Their professional skills showed instrumentalists. A refined “Brazilian dance” was introduced by a student Victoriya Tsymbal and her supervisor Anatoliy Kovalenko. Duet of Serbians Yovann Drmanich and Aleksandr Georgevich captivated the audience by masterly performance of potpourri on Serbian themes.

Solo performance of “Minuet” by national amateur instrumental band “Aquarelle” pleased the audience (director Vira Kalabska).

The song “Gold of Autumn”, performed by head of university trade union committee, assistant professor Oleksandr Osadchyi (accompanied by ensemble “Musical Patterns”) made the audience think over life and was a fine continuation of the concert.

Folklore band “Sofia” (director – Vasyl Semenchuk) added melody of accapello.

The concert was finished with traditional Ukrainian dance “Gopak”, danced by choreography band “Yavoryna” and Ukrainian national chorus performance “Kobzar” (director Vasyl Semenchuk). The final song “Roars and mourns a wide Dniper” was performed with audience who stood up to sing.

Several hours of the celebration programme was held very quickly but left many-sided impressions on high skills and professionalism of songs and dances art. The workers of Arts and Pedagogics Department have a lot of work, concert programmes, and competitions of different levels. Therefore, we would like to wish arts workers of the university happiness, health, energy, and strength for future plans embodiment and persistence in aims reaching.

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