Representatives of SPED took part in the work of round table “Urgent tasks and perspectives of family and school cooperation in youth upbringing”, which was held on the initiative of Uman education department city council. The aim of the round table was to analyze contemporary state of family and school cooperation, to define directions of effective work between school pedagogical staff and pupils’ parents. During the event unique point of view was formed as for negative pupil’s behavior preventive measures, healthy way of life conducting.

Deputy Head of Uman mayor, Lyudmyla Kyrylyuk, Head of education department Oksana Gerasymenko, Head of Child Service Oleksandr Dekarchuck, Head of children, family and youth social services Svitlana Melnyk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Social Pdagogy Chair Svitlana Zayets, “Clinics friendly to the youth” practical psychologist Ganna Protsenko, staff apparatus and methodological cabinet of education department workers, general educational establishments directors, heads of pre-school establishments, heads of Parents Committee participated in the round table.

During discussion the participators underlined contribution of such events into setting mechanisms of school and family cooperation, health strengthening and bad habits prevention. As a result of the round table were made corresponding recommendations. In particular, heads of pre-school educational establishments should admit parents as equal participators in educational process; integrate effort and harmonize relations between pedagogical staff and parents’ community in effective moral and spiritual upbrining of pupils. Participators of the round table recommended analyzing and improving school models of parents-school interaction with the aim of individual approach to education; to use various forms of work with parents during meetings with parents, pedagogical skills training in parents’ psychological and pedagogical competency development in matters of youth development and healthy way of life propagation.

Recommendations concerned pedagogical staff and student and parent self-government bodies’ cooperation for moral and spiritual culture, tolerant behaviour development, pupils’ socialization; school administrators and class instructors work intensifying in organization of parents’ meetings, meetings with police, family social services workers, other services in order to develop active interaction and cooperation with families. An important task was also psychological and sociological accompaniment of moral, physical and spiritual development of the youth in interaction with families.

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