Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

In 2015 university entrants submit their certificates of 2015 EIA at Higher Educational Establishment (HEI) (registration period January 5th – February 20th, 2015 at the website of Ukrainian regional quality assessment: Regional centre – 1. Who should pass EIA and who should...
In the beginning of the academic year Primary Education Department Student council initiated the competition of the best room in the hostel “My front room is the best!” The competition consisted of 3 stages. The final stage was organized under the guidance of the department dean Borys...
From all our heart we congratulate on freat Christian holiday – Christmas Day! We are looking with hope in the sky, where rises Bethlehem star, the star, which informs about God’s son birthday. Let the Christmas holidays strengthen us spiritually, uniting us in a single Christian family,...
Today, on the 5th of January begins the registration of students to External Independent Assessment (EIA). The registration will be carried out by regional centres of education quality assessment and will take place since January 5, 2015 until February 20, 2015. In general, EIA participators will...
On the basis of education and pre-school educational establishment departments was held the defence of 5 year students’ (Preschool Education Department) industrial and inspection probation period. Probation is one of the most important stages in specialists’ professional training. It allows...
3rd year students of History Department presented the results of scientific project under the title “Into the Future through the Monuments” in the subject of cultural and historical monuments protection and preservation. Under the guidance of Olga Skus, candidate of historical sciences,...
Regional competition in the Ukrainian ethnography took place on basis of Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and its Methods of Teaching Chair and scientific laboratory “Cherkasy Region Ethnology”. In the competition participated pupils of 8th – 11th form of secondary educational...
This autumn in the athletic field of USPU and at the stadium “Umanfermash” was held Uman Championship in mini-football, in which participated 9 teams; among them was our team. For the convenience of the participators, the games were organized on Saturdays and Sundays according to circular system....
Please, accept our congratulations on the long-expected merry holiday – 2015 New Year! One more year comes to an end, the year full of hopes and anxiety, victories and disappointment, difficult life tests and successful projects, obstacles overcoming and plans realization. We overcame all the...
On the eve of the New Year’s Day took place an important event – the meeting of the university administration with foreign students. The event was organized by foreign students department and its director Nadiya Remezovska. During the meeting of the administration and active foreign students,...