Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The day before the memorable day of Ukrainians – 70th anniversary of Victory in World War II – Cherkassy regional committee of educational and scientific workers of Ukraine (head of the regional committee – Olga Zhaldak) has organized a festival of patriotic song and poetry “Human call says: Let...
The scientific and methodological centre “National linguistic personality development in terms of continuing education” of Ukrainian Philology Department conducted a competition “Student of Philology of XXI century”. The welcoming speech was made by a director of the scientific and...
An art of singing was always considered as the nearest to human beings nature, and by its possibility voice is a perfect musical instrument. To take the shine of all vocal sounding, the voice should be correctly formed. Recently was held a joint meeting under the title “Vocal Arts in...
According to the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1506 from 23.12.2014 “On All-Ukrainian student Olympiads conducting in 2014-2015 academic year” the History Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University conducted the second stage of All-Ukrainian student...
More than 2900 students, scientific and pedagogical workers, university co-workers took part in ecological action “We’ll make Ukraine clean 2015”. It was carried out in the framework of general city action “Clean Uman – clean Ukraine”. Our university representatives carried out ordering of...
The charity action “Arts for peace” which started at our university the last week is prolonged. Good deeds are now doing Choreography and Imitative Arts Chair (head – Lyudmyla); together with the students she organized a unique dancing marathon “We are Ukrainians!” The holiday of dance, energy and...
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on the holiday of spring, peace and a day of labours – 1st of May! The first of May is a holiday of mutual help and unity, mutual support of all the labours all over the world to live in a peaceful, democratic society. Let this wonderful...
Today is celebrated All-Ukrainian Football Day in Ukraine. Football is a national game, one of the most popular games in the world and a leader among the other kinds of sports by its fans. At our university the centre of football is Physical Education Department. Its students form the combined...
At Social and Psychological Education Department was held a grand charity concert dedicated to Psychologist’s Day and on occasion of national and patriotic camp “Action” II change ending. In the framework of Psychologist’s Day the best students of the department were defined; they were rewarded...
At Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University was held a final seminar in the form of results presentation of Polish-Ukrainian project “Innovative University and Leadership”. In the presentation took part a dean of “ArtesLiberales” Department at University of Warsaw, professor Robert Sukharskyi,...