Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Student Council of Social and Psychological Education Department organized patriotic flash mob “United Students are Motherhood’s Strength” for freshmen.
To love and be loved, dream, have aim and interesting occupation, communicate with friends… What do we need more? Everything can come true, if to believe. Disease is what ruins and kills everything!!! Dear friends! Nastya Timets, 20 years old, daughter of our colleague, head of Geography and...
Accept our open-hearted congratulations on Day of Knowledge and the beginning of a new academic year! A first autumn day is always joyous and at the same time exciting. The first of September invites us to the world of knowledge. This day is a beginning of something interesting, unknown, and...
On the last day of summer there was held a solemn ritual of fresher’s initiation to students. The fest was merry with Ukraine’s flag, university’s flag and standart. Music was touching our ears. Maidan was overcrowded with freshmen, their parents, lecturers of the university.
At the assembly hall of USPU has been shown a film “Volunteers of God’s Beads. The battle for airport” (stage directors – Leonid Kanter and Ivan Yasniy” The entrance was free. There were more people who wanted to watch a film than there were seats in the assembly hall. Besides the day before of...
A word is a weapon and music is a charge – you should shoot accurately! In difficult for Ukraine period “Art Front” is a reliable rear. Recently, on the initiative of Literary Studio at History Department of USPU “Poetic Clio” was held a music and literary event “Art Front” (a course for...
Accept our sincere congratulations on one of greatest Christian holidays – Trinity Sunday! Green Holidays, Trinity Sunday or Whitsuntide – this holiday came to us from pre-Christian times, when our ancestors celebrated the beginning of summer. The day before Trinity Sunday Ukrainians decorate...
On the 26th of May at the university was held a conference of collective, which was held on new normative basis, in particular, in accordance with new redaction of the university Statute and new Regulations on collective’s conference.
On the 20th of May at our university was held a Festival of Pedagogy Art – a holiday for creative people, pedagogues and audience. This year the festival celebrated its jubilee - 25 years running Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University student youth demonstrated their knowledge, talents...
On the 28th of May at 18.00 will be shown a film “Volunteers of God’s Beads. The battle for aeroport” at the assembly hall of USPU” (stage-directors Leonid Kanter and Ivan Yasniy). Entrance is free.