Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Pavlo Tychyna USPU social project demonstration of dancing performance “Right to Live: Choreography is against alcoholism and drug addiction” was carried out at T. Shevchenko Cherkasy Regional Ukrainian Academic Musical and Dramatic Theatre on the Annunciation Day and World day of Health. The...
To the 29th anniversary of Chornobyl disaster at NPP were organized several events, intiated by scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” of Nature and Geography Department, in particular professor Svitlana Sovhira, assistant professor Hanna Goncharenko and Nataliia Gnatyuk:...
A charity action “Arts for the sake of piece” has started at the university. It is comrised of several artistic events “Wonderful World of Singing magic”, “Dance Marathon “We are Ukrainians” and a project “Gifted family – gifted child”. All the costs from the concert will be delivered to Ukrainian...
On the 23rd of April near the monument to Chornobyl victims was held a mass meeting on occasion of 29th anniversary of Chornobyl disaster. In the event participated USPU students and lecturers, city administration, members of community organization “Chornobyl Union of Ukraine”, volunteer and...
In Ukraine takes place preparation to ecology action “Let’s make Ukraine clean – 2015” which will be held on Saturday, 25th of April. In the framework of this event and general city action “Clean Uman – clean Ukraine” will be held the environment’s (square and park, territories near buildings,...
On the 21st of April in the framework of ecological events (18th of April – Environmental Protection Day, 22nd of April – International Earth Day) and on the initiative of scientific laboratory “Ecology and Education” members, assistant professor Hanna Goncharenko, professor Svitlana Sovhira was...
Our university library offers its users testing access to resources of world top publishing house of scientific literature until the 15th of June, 2015. Wiley is one of the biggest world publishing companies, which publishes 1500 reviewed magazines (the third biggest after Elsevier and...
USPU Interdisciplinary individual humanitarian studies graduating student Yuriy Hanuschak nowadays is a master student of European Culture Institute (in the framework of double diploma). He has won a grant to participate in educational program Erasmus+. The student studies at University of Salento...
Pavlo Tychyna USPU delegation took part in Open Doors Day, which was held at Uman educational complex ““Yu. O. Gagarin general education boarding school of I-III grades – pedagogical lyceum”. The delegation consisted of prorector in scientific and pedagogical work Tetyana Kochubei, candidate of...
On the 21st of April in the entrance hall of the building №1 will start its work picture charity ecological exhibition and fair “Transformation of waste products into art”. The event is hold in the framework of April ecology events and on the initiative od assistant professor Hanna...