Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On the 26th of March 2015, at Pavlo Tychyna USPU Department of Economics on the initiative of Enterprises Economics, Finances and Financial Safety Chair (head – doctor of economic sciences, professor Anatoliy Muzychenko) was held II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young...
43 group student of History Department Mariia Fedoriv’s scientific work took III place at All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in political sciences, which was held on the basis of State HEI “Vasyl Stefanyck Prykarpaty National University on the 24th-25th of March, 2015. We...
On the 27th of March in the cultural life of our university took place unusual event. Our university visited doctor of philological sciences, artist, prosaist, dramatist, poet, member of Russian-speaking Union of Israel Writers, member of a board of Union of Israel Writers, International...
On the 25th-26th of March 2015, on the basis of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held the II stage of All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works. To be the best author in writing a student scientific work competition in specialty “Pedagogical Sciences” tried...
On the 8th of April (Wednesday) will be held the elections of rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. The voting will be held at the assembly hall of the main building (№1) from 9 a.m. until 15 p.m. To the students and workers attention, who have a right to vote: to get...
With the II degree diploma was marked the scientific work of a student of Technology and Pedagogy Department Olga Mazuryck, who took part in the second stage of All-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific works in specialty “Theory and methodology of professional education, which was held on...
In the last days of sping holidays Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University hold a real holiday for choreography arts admirers. On the 28th of March at the university was held II All-Ukrainian festival-competition of choreography arts “April Fairy Scene”! It was organized by Choreography...
On the 31st of March, 2015 Chair of Geography at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University celebrates 70th anniversary of its foundation. Just a few people know that this day in 1945 by the order of URSR National Commissar I. S. Gulenko (order № 1237 from 31st of March 1945) at Uman...
On the 28th of March on the initiative of scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” workers, in particular, assistant professor Ganna Goncharenko and professor Svitlana Sovgira, Natural Sciences and Geography Department student self-government was held an annual international...
The scientific and research laboratory “Uman historical and regional ethnography” of USPU and State history and architectural preserve “An Old Uman” conducted the fifth Uman history and biography conference “Uman history by names”. The scientific and research laboratory in collaboration with...