Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Accept our congratulations on Day of Science! Scientists’ professional holiday of is a pleasant opportunity to celebrate high professionalism and self-denying work of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University lecturers and professors. The nowadays situation demands from high school...
In the framework of scientific events dedicated to Day of Science-2015, at History Department was held a round table “Students’ Science: from ideas to results”. The event’s purpose was study and extension of students-historians scientific investigations results and attraction of the talented...
The final of the intellectual game “The smartest” has been held recently. The time of its conducting was chosen deliberately, as the day before Day of Science, scientists all over Ukraine celebrate IX All-Ukrainian Festival of Science. This is a national holiday of research investigations and...
“Psychology in my life: family from A to Z”. This was the motto of the city district pupils’ festival in Psychology, which was held on the basis of Social and Psychological Education Department. In the festival participated pupils from Uman city and district schools. The festival was divided...
At the Foreign Languages Department was held traditional creative evening, dedicated to the eldest students representatives – graduating students. Soon they will hand the relay baton to their successors – to the junior students. Soon they will have a title “a graduating student of Foreign...
Traditionally, on the 9th of May our university students and lecturers went to Obelisk of Fame to commemorate perished soldiers and thank the veterans. There was held a mass meeting-requiem “A minute of silence”. The event’s participators remembered bloody pages of war, the victory’s heroes....
For decades this holiday remains the lightest and dearest date, which brought together different feelings of pain, bitterness, joy and proud for our great nation. Overcoming enemies, our soldiers won back a strip of our native land. Each year there is less heroes who were fighting, but we’ll...
Today, on Day of Commemoration and Reconciliation a marching column of our university and community passed by Uman Central Street to Obelisk of Fame and commemorated those, who died in the war. This is a good tradition which shows that people are grateful to heroes who died in name of happy future...
The beginning of May is connected with heroic past, firmness, courage, self-sacrifice of defenders who were fighting for peace. To commemorate all the victims of Second World War our country has chosen the European model of development and now starts a new tradition – celebration of Day of...
At our university was successfully organized II stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in specialty “Technological Education”. USPU was a basic HEI to conduct the competition in accordance with the order of Ministry of Education of Ukraine “On All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad conducting in...