The scientific and methodological centre “National linguistic personality development in terms of continuing education” of Ukrainian Philology Department conducted a competition “Student of Philology of XXI century”.

The welcoming speech was made by a director of the scientific and methodological centre “National linguistic personality development in terms of continuing education”, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lidiya Mamchur (head of jury). The fragments of the lessons were assessed by the other members of jury: doctor of philological sciences, assistant professor Oksana Zelinska, candidates of pedagogical sciences, assistant professors Iryna Kucherenko, Lyubov Parkheta, Valentyna Honcharuck.

The competition was divided into the following aspects: language scientific and methodological project of a contemporary lesson; literary scientific and methodological project of a contemporary lesson; folklore scientific and methodological project of a contemporary lesson; educative scientific and methodological project of a contemporary lesson (language, literary and folklore).

The second round of the competition was held in the form of an open conference among 4th -5th year students of Ukrainian Philology Department.

Diplomas of “Student of Philology of XXI century” received competitors, who showed their creativity by tasks solving. I place took Iryna Bolshova (group 54); she explained the problems of “A story about Ihor’s march”, role of scenery in the plot, poetic character of Yaroslavna at the lesson of Ukrainian Literature. Olena Mandrych (group 56) taught phraseology at the lesson-tournament of the Ukrainian Language and took II place. The same was achieved by Nataliya Padyuka (group 52). At the lesson of the Ukrainian Language she developed the theme “Knowledge on group of words by their meanings generalization: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms”.

III place was divided between 2 competitors. Anna Denysyuk (group 54) conducted a lesson in Ukrainian Literature under the title “Lesya Ukrainka. “Late spring”. Problem of man uniting with nature”. At a lesson of folklore Valentyna Semerenko (group 62m) proposed to develop the theme “National decorative arts as means of Ukrainian expression. Decorative painting. Peculiarities of Petrykivka painting”.

We congratulate the winners! We wish them success in creative pedagogical ideas realization in further works!

It is worth mentioning that students-philologists as future teachers of the Ukrainian Language, Literature and Folklore prepared thoroughly to the competition. The lessons’ fragments corresponded to the program. The problems were defined according to strategies of linguistic education, the studying process is formed on the basis of participants in the lesson interaction. Each of the fragments presented traditional and innovative methods of teaching, students used modern technologies and innovative teaching aids.

In general the competition testified that USPU students-philologists are ready to professional pedagogical activity and deserve high title “Student of Philology of XXI century”.

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