Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

At History Department of the university was held a meeting of lecturers and students with a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, rector of Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Continuing Education Igor Smahin. A famous Ukrainian scientist delivered a lecture for lecturers and seniour students...
On 15th of April in Uman palace of culture was held II Uman Youth Festival of Social and Psychological Drama “Listen! See!”. It was dedicated to World Day of Health and Psychologists’ World Day. The festival was initiated and organized by Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, in...
In April, 2015 a forth year student of Nature and Geography Depatment Anna Ladyhina (supervisor – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Geography and its Teaching Methods Chair Oksana Braslavska) has won in the second stage of All-Ukrainian competition in geography and received a...
Knowledge in geography is very important for each person. Geography develops imagination, abstract mode of thinking, skills to orient in space, broadens outlook and knowledge on environment. Geography gives knowledge in both environment and humanity. It is a very important branch which is studied...
Nature protection action “Zaremb river coastside ordering” was organized by scientific and research laboratory of USPU “Ecology and Education” and school №3. It was initiated by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Chemistry and Ecology Chair at Nature and Geography Department of...
Dear our university family! Annually, we are waiting for the holiday, which is special by its spiritual dimension and life giving strength. Easter is a symbol of the world rennovation and rebirth of human spirit. Easter is a frank prayer and an Easter cake (paskha), good words and...
Dear colleagues, co-workers and students! I am frankly grateful for your high activity during Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University rector’s elections. I hope we’ll successfully cooperate and by combined efforts we’ll continue to develop our university, consolidate its prestige at...
With the hope and believe Christians ae waiting for a big holiday of Easter. Some days before this event Uman State Pedagogical University students and lecturers joined to an old tradition - painting of pysanky. Master class in pysanky painting by a famous national master from Mankivka...
From the 6th until the 12th of April in the lobby of the university’s new building is held an exhibition of flora works by students of Institute of Child Development. Virtuosos of creative mastery dedicated their works to Easter holidays. The exhibition was organized by lecturers of Primary...
On the 8th of April were held rector’s elections of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Three candidates were put to the vote – Oleksandr Ivanovych Besludnyi, Tetyana Dmytrivna Kochubei and Olena Oleksandrivna Yaroshynska.