The day before the memorable day of Ukrainians – 70th anniversary of Victory in World War II – Cherkassy regional committee of educational and scientific workers of Ukraine (head of the regional committee – Olga Zhaldak) has organized a festival of patriotic song and poetry “Human call says: Let it be peace!”

4th year student of Arts and Pedagogics Department Oleksandr Bidenko was chosen as a delegate to participate in the competition. Oleksandr’s sincere emotions and talented performance excited applause. Moved veterans couldn’t keep back their tears.

For the participation in the regional festival of patriotic song and poetry the student is rewarded by honorary diploma. We are grateful to Oleksandr for excellent performance and wish him further creative achievements.

We also thank Pavlo Tychyna USPU trade union committee, in particular its head Oleksandr Osadchyi for his support of talented youth and financial aid for our student’s performance at the stage of regional Palace of Teachers.

Пресцентр УДПУ