Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Dear lecturers! We are glad to announce urgent admission (until 20th of September) to courses of foreign languages for those who want to increase their level of English, German and French. For all interested people, please, ask at Foreign Languages Chair, room #5 (S. P. Shumaeva).
Researchers of scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” under the guidance of professor Svitlana Sovhira conducted All-Ukrainian ecology expedition. In the event participated university researchers and lecturers, teachers of educational establishments, ecologists, community...
There are a lot of attractive excursion objects at our university and in our city Uman. Academic supervisors of freshers traditionally choose excursions as interesting and necessary means of getting acquainted. Freshers of History Department visited Uman regional ethnography museum. They were...
Dear lecturers, students and organizers of physical training activities, trainers and sport’s veterans, fans and those who are for healthy way of life! Accept our congratulations on Physical Education and Sports Day – a holiday of health, youth and beauty! Traditionally, on the second...
Dear lecturers, second-forth year students of day time and correspondence study! Military academy (Odesa) and SumDu (Sumy) announce admission of citizens of Ukraine (up to 38 years old), who are studying for bachelor degree and applicable for military services. Tuition fees – 10000 hryvnias (for...
On the basis of Informatics and Information Communication Technologies Chair at Physics, Mathematics and Informatics Chair of our university was held a scientific and practical seminar “Information and Communication Technologies Introduction into learning process”. The aim of the event was...
On the basis of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Professional and Technology Education Department was held a seminar for teachers of professional and technology education of Uman region secondary schools and lecturers at Technology Education Chair. The welcoming speech was made...
Our congratulations on international charity holiday to members of volunteer movement, indifferent people, everybody who sacrifices his spirit for the nearest people! Our congratulations for those who has chosen uneasy, but honourable and generous profession – to help people. We wish everybody...
School leavers are faced an important task – to prepare for EIA (External Independent Assessment) and entering universities. The earlier one begins to prepare for EIA, more successful he would be with his results.
On the 2nd of September Ukraine celebrated 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. This day, in the year of 1945 the biggest and the most severe war in the history of humanity came to the end. With the aim to honour heroic deeds of Ukrainian people Pavlo Tychyna USPU joined city event,...