Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On the initiative of “Ecology and Education” laboratory scientists professor Svitlana Sovgira, associate professor Anna Goncharenko and by power of State Regional Administration was carried out natural protection action “Afforest” in the framework of All-Ukrainian ecology actions. In the action...
Recently, in Kyiv there was held a meeting of the “New generation school teacher” project working group with Sergiy Kvit (Minister of Education and Sciences of Ukraine) and British Council in Ukraine Administration. In the meeting took part 8 Ukrainian universities project participators. The...
A part of the country is our Uman, A part of Ukraine, a glorious land. Uman is a city of pride and fame, Like a bird, it flies into happy future. Here family begins, Which always songs sings. Uman city to glorious Ukraine belongs Which is our mother earth! Mykola Abesynov, Uman...
Dear fellow countrymen! Dear Uman citizens! I congratulate you from all my heart on Uman City Day – a great family holiday which unites all the people, regardless of age, religion and political believes. In the course of Uman city history there are both joyous and sad moments and events....
In the end of September History Department students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University took the initiative to organize charity action under the title “There is no war which is somebody else’s” at National Dendrological Park “Sofiivka”. The subject was not remote from students, on...
Dear colleagues! My congratulations and best wishes on our professional holiday – Education Employees Day! Our country must be proud of you, as you’ve chosen this uneasy and responsible path of education and new generation upbringing; in the XXI century they are going to create a new...
In accordance with agreement about “Social knowledge schools” at Social and Psychological Education Department in cooperation with Uman Town Council Labour And Social Protection Management was held “Orphans and deprived of parental care children provision forms: Cherkasy experience” regional round...
International Music Day celebration took place during the whole day in the hall of a new building of USPU. It was a great celebration. The festival was organized by Arts and Pedagogics Department Student Council, teachers and students of our university where among spectators and participators.
Today, on the first day of October, International Music Day is celebrated. Probably, the date of the celebration was chosen deliberately: autumn is a favourite season of creative people, famous artists, musicians and writers. Similar to music, autumn impresses us by its beauty and variety. We...
Representatives of our university took part in International scientific conference “Professional and Professionalism development: theory and practice”, organized by Ukrainian Acmeology Sciences Academy on the initiative of the academy president, Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor and...