Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

In the end of the last week at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held expanded Scientific Coordinative Council Plenum “Languages Development Regularity and Language Practice” of O. Potebnia Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Linguistics Institute under the title “History of...
At Arts and Pedagogics Department was held the meeting of students and teachers with ATO participator Vladyslav Snitsar, a student of History Department of our university in the past.
In Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held officer’s rank junior lieutenant in reserve students awarding. The students were studying according to officers in reserve training programme. In the meeting participated members of the university administration, directors of the...
These days guardsmen from the ATO zone came back to Uman. It’s a pity that not everyone has a chance to come back. The war takes lives of many Ukrainian patriots. On the 6th of October our fellow countryman Dmytro Pozharsky was shot during mortar fire near Starognativka village, Donetsk...
Scientific Laboratory “Cherkasy region ethnology” at Ukrainian Philology Department welcomed first year students in speciality “Ukrainian Ethnography” and admitted them to Folklore Scientific Society named after Khrysanph Yashchurzhynsky.
Dear colleagues! To everybody interested in Ukrainian higher education Educational Portal “Pedagogical Press” invites to seminar review “Autonomy and HEI responsibility”. It will be enough just to click on the following web address on Friday, 10th of October at 9.30 a.m....
In the scientific library of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University there was opened test access to electronic data base for its users.
For Ukrainian society jurist’s profession is very important, especially in contemporary situation when all the population is in need of their rights protection and law culture rise. Order and prosperty of the country much depends on human rights protection. Jurist’s many-sided profession helps...
At Social and Psychological Education Department together with Student Scientific Society was organized and held a talk show “Corruption: for and against”. Action moderators were Alyona Zavalko and Mykolay Grygoriev. Two teams took part in the discussion: those who were “for” (Kateryna Chupina,...
A Book in the Library Week Summing Up By the USPU scientific library with the aim of estimating the level of books necessity in the life of a person was held the week of a book at which thematic expositions “Read in journals and newspapers about everything interesting on the planet!” (reading...