In accordance with agreement about “Social knowledge schools” at Social and Psychological Education Department in cooperation with Uman Town Council Labour And Social Protection Management was held “Orphans and deprived of parental care children provision forms: Cherkasy experience” regional round table meeting. The action took place on Adoption Day in Ukraine, which symbolizes charity, and goodness towards people. It is celebrated on St. Vira (Faith), Nadiia (Hope), Lyubov (Love) and their mother’s Sofia (Wisdom) Day.

The moderator of the round table was head of Uman Town Council Labour and Social Protection Management, representative of Cherkasy Regional Council, honourable social worker of Ukraine Galyna Kucher. Among the guests were: chief specialist in Child Service at Uman Town Council Svitlana Groholska, Uman Social Service for Families, Children and Youth director Svitlana Melnik, Mankivka Regional Administration Child Service director Tetyana Plahtiy, specialist in educational methods at Social and Psychological Rehabilitation Center Galyna Vivcharuck, Uman Educational and Rehabilitation Center for Children with Special Needs director Victoria Maydanyuk.

It is known that Cherkasy region is a leader in many branches of national economy. It also has good results in social sphere, and this can be criteria of compassion, humanism, kindness and tolerance. Uman has one of the most powerful structures of population social protection in the region, which is headed by Galyna Kucher. Hence, the round table took place at Uman State Pedagogical University, the place where future social sphere specialists are trained.

Future social pedagogues, social workers, practical psychologists had the possibility to study the innovative experience in the system of state trusteeship and care. Speaking specialists shared their experience. The problem of adoption was discussed. Adoption Day in Ukraine is a means of social protection of children rights, who are deprived from parental care. All the participators of the round table were grateful to adopters and workers of children’s home. Each child should have a family!

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