Representatives of our university took part in International scientific conference “Professional and Professionalism development: theory and practice”, organized by Ukrainian Acmeology Sciences Academy on the initiative of the academy president, Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor and academician Viktor Ognevyuk. The theme of the conference was professionalism technology development as an important factor of modern acmeological personality for all kinds of professional activity realization. Acmeology is a science which studies adult personal development and individual top reaching in this development, especially from the point of view of professionalism. Acmeology is a new science, which is on its stage of development.

The programme of the conference included video discussion with scientists from Bulgaria. Ukrainian and Bulgarian leading scientists discussed school and higher education acmeology urgent problems aimed at acmeology competent personality formation, personal and professional growth.

Assistant professor, PhD in pedagogical sciences Iryna Kucherenko participated and made a speech in the round table. During the plenary meeting she was delivered by diploma of Ukrainian Acmeology Sciences Academy correspondent member.

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