Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On October last days in the reading room of the university was held master class “Halloween. Pumpkin’s holiday”, organized by USPU scientific library. The event visited a lot of students who had a possibility to get to know about thematic make-up secrets and make with their own hands a talisman...
In the end of October at History Department took place the presentation of ethnological investigation by Vladyslav Davydyuk “Uman Streets History”. The event visited a head of Culture Department of Uman Town Council (UTC) Tetyana Geyko, a head of Archival Department of UTC Nelya Khodakivska, main...
Last week at Arts and Pedagogics Department took place International Scientific and Practical Conference “Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Arts Education: Achievements, Problems and Perspectives”. The conference organizers were Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, (Arts and...
The city championship in atletics was held this month at “Umanfermmash” stadium. In the competition participated sportsmen of city HEI, colleges, vocational schools, child and youth sport school. Each participator had a right to take part in 2 kinds of programme and relay race 4x100 m.
These days at our university was held the event which remembered everybody about summer and created corresponding atmosphere and mood. It remembered about pleasant summer days and interesting work with children. At the seminar “Preparation of Students to Work at Summer Health Camps: Contemporary...
On October 23-24 took place I All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “National and Linguistic Personality Development in Terms of Continuing Education: Achievements, Reality and Perspectives”. The initiator and organizer of the conference is scientific and methodological centre...
These days in the assembly hall of our university was celebrated Turkmenistan Independence Day, which is celebrated on 28th of October each year. At the university study a lot of students from this сountry.
Dear compatriots! Accept sincere congratulations on Rescue Day of Ukraine from fascist invaders. The Ukrainians paid a high price for the participation in the most severe world war during the course of history, the war which took place during 1941-1945. The war took lives of each sixth...
With assistance of Ukrainian Safety Industry Federation, Ukrainian Safety Professionals Federation, Ukrainian Safety Experts Federation, Ukrainian Fire and Technological Safety Union was held XIX International Exposition “Safety 2014” in the exposition center “Kyiv Expo Plaza”, which personified...
Last week in Kyiv Child and Youth Palace was held the 6th International Congress Presentation “Innovations in contemporary education”. Among the organizers of the presentation were Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, corporation...