A part of the country is our Uman,
A part of Ukraine, a glorious land.
Uman is a city of pride and fame,
Like a bird, it flies into happy future.
Here family begins,
Which always songs sings.
Uman city to glorious Ukraine belongs
Which is our mother earth!
Mykola Abesynov, Uman dwelle

On the first Saturday of October Uman celebrated its 398 anniversary. This year celebration will be remembered owing to patriotic “Peace March”.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University collective together with the other educational establishments, industrial enterprises and organizations took part in the festive demonstrations dedicated to Uman City Day. It was an honour for Arts and Pedagogics Department to open the Peace March and carry Uman symbolics.

Teachers and students of USPU demonstrated striving for peace and well-being during the solemn march and the other festive actions. Among the slogans for Ukrainian unity were: “Glory to Ukraine! To heroes glory!, “Ukraine is a unique country”, “No war!”, “We want peace!”, “The youth is for cheerful Ukraine”, The future of Ukraine is in our hands”,

Marching column of different departmants had one thing in common – its patriotic content. Predominating were blue-and-yellow colours of our national flag. Golden ear of wheat and peace pigeons embroided the column. Philology Institute marched under the banner of blue-and-yellow balloons and Physical Training Department used state symbols. During the peace marching patriotic songs were performed. Students of military training chair ranks amazed Uman citizens and city visitors.

As a tradition there was presentation of scientific and arts works of USPU teachers and students, which was held in the central public garden of the city. Among the master classes of Technology and Pedagogics Department and Arts and Pedagogics Department were clay modelling, handmade dolls producing, national needlework and painting execution, carving and body art, etc. Children were drawing and writing the letters to soldiars in ATO zone.

Foreign Languages Department attracted city dweller’s and guest’s attantion by original performance. Students and teachers organized language master classes near the department exposition. Boys and girls demonstrated knowledge skills in English, German, and French in the dialogues, songs and performances. In the Department exposition there were represented professorial and teacher’s staff works.

The exposition showed Economy Department student’s and teacher’s achievements; juridical clinics and business incubator representatives gave professional advice to everybody interested.

Student amateur theatre (stage director - Nataliya Alekseeva), doll theatre of Preschool Department (manager – Nataliya Pyasetska) captured children and young people attention.

The patriotic atmosphere brought charity concert (for Ukrainian army support). Such songs like “Mother don’t cry”, “Trident”, etc were presented by men vocal band “Gonta”. Folklore ensemble Sofia (manager – Vasyl Semenchuk, students of Arts and Pedagogics Department (Tetyana Khlivna, Larysa Sauliak, Victoria Galchynska, Yevgenia Koltsova) took part in the festival too.

During Yevgenia’s “Songs about Uman” performance, as the act of peace there were pigeons let out into the sky. Let love and peace always unite us, we do everything for the sake of children who are our future. Peace to our homes, peace to our city, peace to our Ukraine and the whole world!

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