Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The State programme “National action plan of UNO Convention realization about the child’s rights until 2016” anticipates ensuring the children and youth with special needs by qualitative social, pedagogical and psychological services at educational establishments (including higher educational...
Polish government granted 550 scholarships for Ukrainian students and PhD students. In particular, 100 of them are distributed among Donetsk und Luhansk region students, who finished the second year of bachelor educational level and from October have the possibility to study at the universities in...
The new academic year has began and, hence, began a new and tense work of the librarians who need to provide each student with necessary books and the other kinds of literature. To avoid overcrowding and rushing, the scentific library has developed schedule of student attendance by departments,...
Annualy research laboratory “Ecology and Education” (Natural Sciences and Geography Department of USPU) initiates actions for small rivers cleaning. This time the attention was centered around the river Soroka (affluent of Southern Buh) which flows past village Soroka. Under the leadership of...
Recently, the X Ukrainian-Polish art and literary forum under the title “Dialogue of two cultures-2014” took place in the town of Kremenets (Ternopil region). It was dedicated to 200 of Taras Shevchenko and 205 of Juliush Slovatsky birthday anniversary and 10th anniversary of his museum opening....
The students of Economics Department at USPU have spent a memorable summer vacation. It's no secret that the holidays the holidays are the best and most anticipated time for every student, it's a trip to the mountains, the forest or on the sea, overseas trips and walks. Holidays sparkle with a lot...
Traditionally, the second Saturday of September is the holiday for all pursuing a healthy lifestyle, the athletes and sports veterans – the Day of Physical Culture and Sports. Since the ancient times the healthy and fit people were relied on because sports not only improve health, but also...
Exhibition and sale of paintings, works of arts and crafts by the artists of Uman was opened on September 11 in the conference hall of "Stara Uman" State Historical-Architectural Reserve. It was a charity event attended by the representatives of government, civil society activists, art amateurs,...
IceBucketChallenge campaign has become mega-popular all over the world. It was launched by ALSAssociation struggling with amyotrophic sclerosis. Icebucketchallenge is extremely simple and perfect for the summer season: a person pours a bucket of water over, which must contain pieces of ice....