In the end of September History Department students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University took the initiative to organize charity action under the title “There is no war which is somebody else’s” at National Dendrological Park “Sofiivka”. The subject was not remote from students, on contrary, disaster came close to our families, it reopened wounds, touched our national and personal interests.

Organizational committee consisted from dean of History Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tetiana Kuznets, National Dendrological Park “Sofiivka” director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ivan Kosenko, head of General History Chair, professor Igor Kryvosheya, dean’s assistant in educational work, assistant professor of History of Ukraine Chair Olga Skus, dean’s assistant in educative work, teacher at History of Ukraine Chair Antonina Kukuruza, and History Department Student Council thoroughly and reasonably made up the programme of historical and cognitive quest.

The quest included interesting tasks on sports and regional ethnography, lottery, darts and photo session in national orders. Teachers and students of the department were divided into 4 teams: “Meadow (Lug)”, “Layer (Plast)”, “Host (Sich)”, and “Falcon (Sokil)”. Each team demonstrated originality in problem solution and their quick-wittedness. Among the first who finished all the tasks was the team “Host (Sich)”.

Students of the department organized charitable fair from handmade works with national symbols and delicious dishes. The costs received from the fair were transferred to forth year student of History Department Oleksiy Grabovenko, who were at Euromaidan events from the beginning and now he continues his patriotic mission by preparing to fight in the Southern part of Ukraine.

History Department teachers and students, who know a lot about past events from chronicals, annals, records, narrations and legends, are able to analyse and state that there is no war which is somebody else’s.

In the end of the action all students sang together Ukrainian national anthem.

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