Dear fellow countrymen! Dear Uman citizens!

I congratulate you from all my heart on Uman City Day – a great family holiday which unites all the people, regardless of age, religion and political believes.

In the course of Uman city history there are both joyous and sad moments and events. But vital energy has never left the city inhabitants, who believe in happy fate and therefore create it themselves.

It is pleasant to notice that Uman has become a native city not onle for those who had been born here, but also for other cities and even other countries natives. USPU is glad to meet students from different parts of Ukraine as well as from different countries.

The biggest wealth of the city is its citizens: honest, hard-working and people of high spirit. All the achievements and positive changes in the city take place owing to everyday faithful work of Uman dwellers. On this joyful day I’d like to express my gratitude to previous generations who’s left us rich historical heritage: architectural monuments, beautiful parks, picturesque streets and spiritual treasures from which we take strength and energy for the sake of out future.

I wish Uman prosperty from all my heart, and all the citizens I wish health, peace, harmony, prosperty, witness, fortune and inspiration in your business, love and family happyness.

Sincerely yours, rector Nataliya Pobirchenko