International Music Day celebration took place during the whole day in the hall of a new building of USPU. It was a great celebration. The festival was organized by Arts and Pedagogics Department Student Council, teachers and students of our university where among spectators and participators.

Vocal and insrumental works of art were included into the programme. Yaroslav Tkachenko performed the song “You know”. The song “Feeling good” was performed by “Chorus struggle” project participator Alina Zamoiska. Second year student Svitlana Pogribna impressed everybody by her singing. Song presents of Victoria Galchinska and Victoria Shvets were also estimated. The patriotic atmosphere was created by Vitaliy Myhailenko after singing his author song “My Ukraine”. Unforgettable and very talented was duet of foreign students from Serbia Oleksandr Geordevich (playing bayan) and Yovann Drmanich (playing accordion). Original trumpet sounding presented Yaroslav Yashan. Penetrating guitar sounding was presented by Bogdan Kozoris.

Everybody had a possibility to act as a real musician and feel real power of the music owing to the action “Feel yourself as a musician” and playing bayan, trumpet or bandura.

Delegation from Choreography and Arts Chair came to congratulate musicians on professional holiday and all music amateurs on holiday for heart. Dance amateur team “Vizavi” (manager – Lyudmyla Androschuk) presented one of its modern dances.

Magnificent music and singing were heard all day long, everybody applauded. In such a way teachers and students of Arts and Pedagogics Department celebrated Music Day. Everybody was grateful to Student Council of the department for good mood, positive emotions.

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