Today, on the first day of October, International Music Day is celebrated. Probably, the date of the celebration was chosen deliberately: autumn is a favourite season of creative people, famous artists, musicians and writers. Similar to music, autumn impresses us by its beauty and variety.

We congratulate on this holiday all the composers, musicians, singers, conductors and just all those who love music! Especially, we’d like to address our congratulations to teachers, students and employees of Musical Art Chair (headed by assistant professor, PhD in pedagogical sciences and honorable education worker Dmytro Baldynyuk). We congratulate musical bands, which present their original works and bring fame to our university. Among them are national amateur group of academic manner singing – female chorus “Youth”, Ukrainian national chorus “Kobzar”, vocal male trio “Gonta”, “Musical patterns”, “Aquarelle”, “Necklace” ensembles, talented solo musicians.

We wish all of them inspiration, success in their work, productivity and great achievements, so that your works bring positive emotions and willingness to create something new and good.

Best wishes,
University administration,
Local trade union committee,
Student Council