The final of the intellectual game “The smartest” has been held recently. The time of its conducting was chosen deliberately, as the day before Day of Science, scientists all over Ukraine celebrate IX All-Ukrainian Festival of Science. This is a national holiday of research investigations and creative achievements.

It’s not a secret that our university students are very talented and creative and during competitions they prove that they are THE SMARTEST. The competition was organized by Student Scientific Council together with the university administration of Pavlo Tychyna USPU.

Pro-rector in scientific work of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Vladylena Sokyrska welcomed the participators and wished them an interesting competition and to have fun at it.

In the game participated 12 students from 12 departments – Vita Melnychuk (PED), Zinaida Kovalenko (PsED), Lyudmyla Obmanets (APD), Daria Kraynova (UPD), Natalia Vershyhora (HD), Maryna Verbovska (FLD), Iryna Baburnych (TPD), Dmytro Dzoga (PMD), Olena Horodetska (NSGD), Volodymyr Kykot (DE), Maria Mykonchuk (SPED), Oleksandr Litvinov (PTD). Each participator prepared his visiting card, in which he demonstrated his smartness, intellect and creativity.

The game was assessed by jury – head of educational technologies Lina Login, secretary of selection committee Vitaliy Berbets, head of department of connection with community Lyudmyla Hekalyuk, head of job placement department Oleksandr Hrusha, head of department of carreer development and professional orientation work Svitlana Tsymbal-Slatvinska.

The intellectual show was carried out in 3 stages. During the first stage the students answered to 20 obligatory general questions in the knowledge of the Motherland: literature, ethnography, geography, biology, arts, ancient and modern history, etc. Six of the best participators, who were best at the 1 stage, continued the game in the 2 stage.

Each of the half-finalists could choose twice one of 13categories, among them: the Ukrainian Language, History, Physics, Economics, Regional Geography, Technology, Psychology, Primary Education, Arts, Pre-School Education, Geography, Physical Training and the category “Secret”. They should have given as many correct answers as possible during one minute and each of the answers costed 1 point. Three best participators of the second stage showed good results in the last stage.

During intervals the audience amused themselves by listening to the songs of the ensemble “Sofia” (director Vasyl Semenchuk) and students of History Department, Arts and Pedagogy Department, Ukrainian Philology Department, Physical Training Department, Primary Education Department. In particular, student of History Department presented “Tripolian dance”, Oleksandr Oliynyck from Arts and Pedagogy Department sang a song, and a student from Ukrainian Philology Department sang her favourite songs “Alyosha” and “Ukraine is you”.

As a result of the 3rd stage in the intellectual show “The smartest” has won Maryna Verbovska. The second place took Daria Kraynova, and the third – Maria Mykonchuk. They were rewarded by pro-rector in scientific work Vladylena Sokyrska.

… The time flies. Fly into eternity. But there is a day which won’t slip out of memory. Students, as each Ukrainian, respect patriotic deeds of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who were fighting in the Second World War. Unfortunately, Ukraine is again in undeclared war. There are hundreds perished and wounded protectors… The participants of the intellectual show honored the perished soldiers during 1939-1945, protectors during Revolution of Dignity and military conflict in the East of Ukraine by a minute of silence. We remember! We will win!

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