The beginning of May is connected with heroic past, firmness, courage, self-sacrifice of defenders who were fighting for peace.

To commemorate all the victims of Second World War our country has chosen the European model of development and now starts a new tradition – celebration of Day of Commemoration and Reconciliation.

The symbol of Day of Commemoration and Reconciliation is a red poppy. This is an international symbol of all victims commemoration during military and civil conflicts, allusion of bloodstained mark from bullet, which transmits pain and death.

Commemorating soldiers of Great Victory students and lecturers of History Department prepared some actions. Among them were the exposition “On poppy field of my country”, mass meeting-requiem “Military Uman Historical Pages”, action “Plant a poppy in commemoration of your grandfather”.

To Day of Commemoration and Reconciliation took place an exposition in the entrance hall of new building. The aim of the project “On poppy field of my country” was to pay attention to anti-human character of wars, warn about new Apocalypse, and call for unity, consolidation, mutual understanding and peace. The exposition was based on the events’ chronology, literature, recollection of children of war, photos from occupation regime in Uman. Special attention was paid to Heroes of Uman, whose great heroic deed would remain in descendants’ memory. The misery was in each Uman family – people died in the front, were buried in concentration camp, executed in “Babyn ravine”.

During the meeting “Military Uman Historical Pages”, which took place in the park named after Ivan Danylovych Cherniahovskyi, students from History Department were talking on the beginning of the war in Uman and its liberation from German- fascist occupants. The separate page of the mass meeting-requiem was dedicated to our fellow countryman, twice Hero of Soviet Union, general of Soviet Army Ivan Cherniahovskyi. Ivan Danylovych hadn’t survived until the end of the World War II. Commemorating the famous fellow countryman, our students laid down flowers to the monument of I. D. Cherniahovskyi. By a minute of silence they commemorated killed in fighting for freedom and human dignity.

The action “Plant a poppy in commemoration of your grandfather” in which participated our university students and lecturers, demonstrates striving for soldiers commemorating.

Nowadays our country is in the situation of undeclared war, and the victory in the Second World War is getting peculiar, double significance. It is a real example of patriotism, which inspires nowadays heroes. Our native land will always remember great heroic deeds of Ukrainian soldiers!

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