At our university was successfully organized II stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in specialty “Technological Education”. USPU was a basic HEI to conduct the competition in accordance with the order of Ministry of Education of Ukraine “On All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad conducting in 2014/2015 academic year”.

The Olympiad had been held during 3 days according to the program. In All-Ukrainian competition participated students from 23 leading HEI of Ukraine (130 participators).

The welcoming speech was made by: pro-rector in scientific work of USPU Vladylena Sokyrska, head of All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Workers of Technology Education Association, professor Oleksandr Kobernyk and a head of jury, professor Andriy Torubara.

The rules of work of commission were presented by its head, assistant professor Lesya Kravchenko. The regulations of the Olympiad conducting explained a dean of Technology and Pedagogy Department, professor Stanislav Tkachuk.

During the work of the Olympiad at the department was held All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Urgent problems of Technology and Professional Education: experience and perspectives” in which participated 115 members, among them 25 doctors of sciences, professors. At the conference were discussed different problems of qualified specialists training according to the new standards of education. The jury and the participators had an opportunity to get acquainted with the department’s achievements at students’ works exhibition.

The All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in specialty “Technological Education” was held in the form of mass competitions of future pedagogues. Only the students who study the corresponding subjects or have been studying them the previous year could participate in the Olympiad.

The competitors were offered tasks, which were made up in accordance with contemporary theory and teaching methods achievement, it demanded knowledge both of the learning material and professional culture of future specialists.

The Olympiad had its aim, tasks, content and procedure. The methodological regulations were developed by Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University rector, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Bezlyudnyi, first pro-rector, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Andriy Hedzyk, prorector in scientific work, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Vladylena Sokyrska, head of All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Workers of Technology Education Association, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Kobernyk, dean of Technology and Pedagogy Department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Stanislav Tkachuk, deputy dean in educational work, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Lesya Kravchenko, deputy dean in scientific work, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor Oleksiy Melnyk, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Serhiy Yaschuk, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Vitaliy Berbets, lecturer Viacheslav Lyulchenko.

With the aim of level finding of future teachers theoretical and practical competency, the program of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in specialty “Technological Education” included the following rounds: presentation (team superiority); lesson’s summary making up; defense of creative projects; testing in profession-oriented disciplines, conducting fragments of lessons.

The innovation in student’s Olympiad organization was lesson’s summary making up using information communication technologies at computer classes.

The students were given the opportunity to show their individual skills by doing home assignment in creative project “I can do it the best” which didn’t have a particular topic, just the motto “I can do it the best”. It was the first time that all winners of Olympiad in specialty “Technological Education” were rewarded by medals and financial prizes, allocated by All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Workers of Technology Education Association.

All the students showed good level of general and professional training in theory and methodology of technological education, pedagogy, psychology, they showed their creativity, unordinary way of thinking, capacity of reflexion. The competitors demonstrated their knowledge in psychological cognitive processes of pupils, defined role of a teacher. The corresponding practical skills were revealed during making the projects’ objects. Analysis of the lesson’s summary revealed their scientific grounding, logical structure, combination of theory and practice.

According to the results of the Olympiad the ceremony of diplomas and financial prizes delivery was open by Vladylena Sokyrska.

This year the I place has won forth-year student Inna Kudienko.

We congratulate the winners and their supervisors on the victory and wish all the Olympiad’s participators further creative inspiration, new victories!

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