“Psychology in my life: family from A to Z”. This was the motto of the city district pupils’ festival in Psychology, which was held on the basis of Social and Psychological Education Department. In the festival participated pupils from Uman city and district schools.

The festival was divided into 3 stages. The first stage was held in the form of the review of the prepared by pupils presentations in chosen topics. II stage was the competition “Blitz”-questioning. III stage was psychological situations solving.

The work of the participators was assessed by honorary jury: a methodologist of psychological services of department of education at Uman regional administration Tetyana Baraniuk, a head of family, youth and sports department at Uman regional administration Nataliya Stanislavchuk, candidates of psychological sciences, assistant professors at Psychology Chair Larysa Danylevych, and assistant professor at Social Pedagogy, Social Works and History of Pedagogy Chair Svitlana Zayets.

Before the competition in the mentioned before stages each of teams had done a small task – to present the team. In the festival participated the teams from Ladyzhyn, Starobabanivka, Gorodetske general educational schools of I-III grades and Yurkivka educational complex “Preschool educational establishment General educational school of I-III grades”.

Pupils demonstrated their interesting presentations during the first stage; the teams’ captains represented their works. The next stage of the festival “Blitz”-questioning lied in quick answering to the questions: if a team gives incorrect answer, the other contestant’s team gets the possibility to answer. The last stage of psychological situations problem solving was not less interesting as previous two stages.

All te teams showed their best. They displayed initiativeness, creativity and proved that psychology is a very important and necessary for everybody science. All of them were rewarded by honorary diplomas of Festival’s participators and received encouraging presents.

Пресцентр УДПУ