At the Foreign Languages Department was held traditional creative evening, dedicated to the eldest students representatives – graduating students. Soon they will hand the relay baton to their successors – to the junior students. Soon they will have a title “a graduating student of Foreign Languages Department.

The concert had begun with a song “Uniting Language”, performed by a student of group 26 Oksana Sydorenko. The creative evening was multilingual. As all the languages come from Latin, students recited the poem De Patria nostra, written by senior lecturer of Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair Olga Poberezhnyk. The songs were performed in English, German, French and Spanish. Svitlana Sikorska sang a song “Fur immer”. Dmytro Romanenko performed a romantic serenade “Isabel” in Spanish. Oksana Sydorenko amazed by performance of the English song “Someone like you”.

At the department dramatic arts is of high value: senior lecturer of the English Language and it Teaching Methods Oleksandr Kovalenko adapted for the stage several miniatures in English. Students demonstrated excellent knowledge of English and high level actor mastery.

The students, members of the department’s choreography studios, under the guidance of Anastasia Kryvorotenko performed national and classic dances – steppe, waltz, German and Scottish national, cowboy’s. The Chinese dance with fans was also very impressive.

The French-speaking students performed potpourri of French songs about love, youth and joy in a guitar accompaniment of the student Oleksandr Kalashnyk. Their performance was prepared by an assistant professor of Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair Inna Laukhina.

The German-speaking student recited “Ode to Joy”, which is laid on basis of the European Union’s Hymn, prepared flash mob to the German song “Wunder” and performed the song “Das alles ist Deutschland” in accompaniment of a video with Germany’s beautiful landscapes. This performance was prepared by joint efforts of lecturers of Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair – candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor Mariia Kyrylyuk, Kateryna Kravchenko and Galyna Ovchynnikova.

The creative evening’s atmosphere was that of LOVE – love to the teacher’s profession, to studying, to our state and the other countries, and love to languages, which united students into a big family – Foreign Languages Department. As our department’s student Lesya Kokyza wrote: “Ukraine is a girl, beautiful, hard-working, and singing. In nowadays difficult times she is courageous, proud, and she will hold out for sure. She will be prospective until our patriotic hearts are beating”.

The final song “Stand up brothers”, performed by a first-year student Oleksandr Mostitskyi in accompaniment of a second-year student Oleksandr Kalashnyk touched the audience both by words and performance. The words to the song were written by senior lecturer of Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair Olga Poberezhnyk.

The idea of all creative projects was realized by a lecturer of the English Language and it Teaching Methods Iryna Kholod.

The audience was inspired by extraordinary concert, which liked everybody. It was the event, which breeds special emotions and desire to share experience. Time, spent on its preparation, organizers’ and actors’ emotional experience was worth of it!

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