Traditionally, on the 9th of May our university students and lecturers went to Obelisk of Fame to commemorate perished soldiers and thank the veterans. There was held a mass meeting-requiem “A minute of silence”.

The event’s participators remembered bloody pages of war, the victory’s heroes. The date of 9th of May, 1945 is known all over the world. During 4 years soldiers and partisans, national front members were coming to the Victory. On the territory of Ukraine the war lasted 1225 days and nights. It’s the 70th time of celebrating Victory Day; we commemorate those who died in battles, who passed through fightings, disasters, famine and coldness, who survived in fatal slaughter for peace and liberty. The gratitude was expressed by a student of Social and Psychological Department Olena Ustenko. From all the young people of the city she promised to remember heroes of Great World War and remember about their great heroic deeds.

Wreathes, garlands, flowers were brought to Obelisk of Fame and fraternal tomb of perished liberators. the university representatives participated in the mournful laying down of flowers.

The meeting participators were present at the concert “To the Victory soldiers dedicated…”, which was held in the city palace of culture. The USPU was represented by a laureate of All-Ukrainian competitions in vocal arts, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor, head of trade union committee Oleksandr Osadchyi, laureates of International, All-Ukrainian and Regional Competitions, male trio “Gonta” which consists of Honoured Culture Workers of Ukraine Vasyl Semenchuk, Valentyn Kupchyk, Petro Voloshyn and laureates of All-Ukrainian and Regional Competitions national amateur band “Sophia”.

By performing a song “For that boy” Oleksandr Osadchyi touched the audience. The text of the song was full of light sorrow and grief for those who didn’t come back from the war. We didn’t know those people, we didn’t see them, we were not acquainted with them, but we should always remember about them. To know and remember this tragic page in our history is a everyone’s duty. Owing to the unknown heroes we can live in our native land, to live for ourselves and “for that boy”.

The song “Mother is waiting for a crane” performed by national amateur band “Sophia” (director – Vasyl Semenchuk) moved to tears all the veterans who were present at the concert.

Trio “Gonta” (director – Valentyn Kupchyk) performed the songs “Ah these roads” and “Army is with people”. In the end of their performance there we heard exclamations “Bravo!”. The last song was like a call that gave hope and belief in our peaceful future with our army and our boys.

The liberator’s heroic deed is immortal. The soldiers knew that they were fighting for their native land, for people, beloved person and members of family. Victory is fame’s crown. We will always remember about internecine battle, hearts full of eternal sacred flame. Eternal sacred flame of soldiers-liberators burns and shines in memory of descendants!

Пресцентр УДПУ