Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

At the university sports ground took place competition in mini-football among women – II Sports Games of Cherkassy Region among HEI of III-IV levels of accreditation. It was the first time the competitions took place at our university. In the competitions participated 3 mixed teams of the...
Our university is a cultural and spiritual centre; it’s an example of Ukrainian traditions and customs revival. At city festival of decorative arts “Pysanka of Uman” the USPU representatives demonstrated their talents. There were conducted master classes in: carving, conducted by Vitaliy...
It has become a good tradition in USPU to deliver certificates to students of preparatory courses, who were preparing to pass External Independent Assessment. Their certificates received 200 students, who came together with their parents from six regions of Ukraine to celebrate the first...
In Ukrainian House was held International Languages and Cultures Festival, in which participated 22 representatives from the countries all over the world. The event was organized by Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Ministry of the Youth and Sports of...
On the 26th of April, 30th anniversary from Chornobyl disaster at nuclear power plant (NPP), Student Council of History Depatment conducted an event, dedicated to a mournful jubilee. Students of the department prepared information and documentary on explosion at Chornobyl NPP about first...
Owing to the library collaboration with ElibUkr and MIPP International consortium for Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is open access to electronic library of Organisation of Economic Collaboration and Development OECD iLibrary. OECD iLibrary – is an electronic library that...
Today is 30th anniversary from Chornobyl disaster at nuclear power plant (NPP) – the biggest technological disaster of the whole period of using atomic energy. USPU joined actions, dedicated to this mournful date. The university delegation and the representatives of Uman Community, the city...
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University visited delegation from European Culture Institute at Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University in Gniezno. The delegation was headed by director of the institute, professor Leszek Mrozevich, the other members of the delegation – deputy head in...
A spring campaign lasting for a month in planning and organization of public services in our city has officially begun on the 1st of April, but people started to clean the city with spring coming and good weather. Cleaning the territory of I. D. Cherniakhovskiy park he last Saturday USPU...
At sports ground of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University during 3 days were held competitions in mini-football for Rector’s Cup. In the debut participated 10 mixed teams of the university: Institute of Economics and Business Education; departments – History Department, Nature and...