Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Good deeds cost more than a dozen of knowledge G. Herbert On the eve of Easter Holidays active students, who study at Economic and Business Education Institute, under the guidance of deputy director in educative work Natalia Kohan and head of Student Government Viktoria Kutashchuk have...
Representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University successfully performed at VII Championship of Ukraine in powerlifting and separate exercises (UNPF), which was recently held in Kyiv. In the framework of the competitions took place the selection to male mixed team of Ukraine...
The other day students of our university demonstrated their talents. Student Council (head – Yevhenia Boroday) organized a festival “Student’s spring”. It has become a tradition to conduct such a festival as almost for 20 years the USPU youth demonstrates that it has a lot of talents. In the...
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University workers congratulate Lilia Mykhailivna Hrynevych on appointment to the post of Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine! New head of the field is a famous person, patriot and professional with a large experience in management, orientated...
The publishing service “Uran” to the website “” order made a monitoring of scientific and publishing subjects of Ukraine on the basis of scientific database SciVerse Scopus. The portal “” made a list of ranking of Ukrainian educational establishments.
International fund “Resurrection” together with the platform “Prometheus” and analytical Internet-journal MISTOSITE invite active citizens and students, interested in cities functioning and the possibilities to change Ukrainian cities, to participate in on-line course “Urban studies:...
On the 12th of April on the basis of Cherkassy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education began its work XXI regional exhibition of pedagogical technologies “Education in Cherkassy Region – 2016”. Our university participated in the important educational event, which has been...
At Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held anti-corruption seminar, at which students of HEI could get to know about mechanisms of fighting against corruption at educational establishments. The representatives of Student Anti-Corruption Bureau Mykyta Andreev (head of bureau),...
At USPU was held Geography Tournament-2016. It was an interesting competition between the experts in science about the Earth, nature, people, and their activity which became already traditional. This year, except the students of Nature and Geography and History Departments at Pavlo Tychyna USPU,...
At USPU was held a presentation of II book “Chornobyl heroes are here” by representatives of Uman city organization “Chornobyl-Union of Ukraine”, dedicated to 30th anniversary of a terrible technological disaster. Pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work, candidate of pedagogical sciences...