Today is 30th anniversary from Chornobyl disaster at nuclear power plant (NPP) – the biggest technological disaster of the whole period of using atomic energy. USPU joined actions, dedicated to this mournful date.

The university delegation and the representatives of Uman Community, the city administration, members of the organization “Chornobyl Union of Ukraine”, enterprise workers participated in a meeting near the monument to Chornobyl victims, honoured them by a minute of silence and laid down flowers and garlands to the pedestal of “Chornobyl 1986”.

At Professional and Technology Education Department was held a meeting of students with a participant in liquidation of the Chornobyl disaster Oleksandr Rekin. During the meeting the youth had an opportunity to receive answers to their questions.

The events, dedicated to 30th anniversary from Chornobyl disaster, took place at Nature and Geography Department, organized by workers of scientific and research “Ecology and Education”, professor Svitlana Sovhira and Natalia Hnatyuk. Lecturers and students of Nature and Geography Department participated in the event.

The library’s workers presented information on consequences of Chornobyl accident. The first part of the events were held in the form of a lesson-commemoration, at which students demonstrated scenes and made speeches on the main facts and events 30 years ago. The second part of the events was represented by an exhibition of students’ posters, dedicated to Chornobyl disaster and its consequences.

In the end the members of the events commemorated perished people by a minute of silence.

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