Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

According to order of Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak, head of Psychology Chair, doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor Oleksandr Safin is rewarded by insignia of honour of Ministry of Defense “For contribution to Military Services of Ukraine”. Dear Oleksandr...
“European Education” center has published the 10th ranking “Top-200 Ukraine”, which is the first accredited by International Ranking Expert Group (IREG) academic ranking in Ukraine. The project’s particular feature is an attempt to compare universities of different types according to the...
City Project “Academy of the Youth Leadership-2016” has come to an end. Three-month results of the project’s work have been summed up. The youth project was found the year before by mayor of the city of Uman. 20 students from 10 higher educational establishments of the city have been...
Today in Ukraine is celebrated Publisher’s, Polygraphy and Book’s Distribution Day. It has become a tradition to conduct a competition for the best manual and book. The results of the competition were summed up to the Day of Science at the Festive Academy in USPU. These two holidays are united...
The Institute of Pedagogy at National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine celebrates the 90th anniversary of foundation the Department of History of Pedagogy. In the round table, dedicated to jubilee celebration, participated delegation from Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University...
In the context of realization the program “School of young lecturer’s professional growth was held two-days scientific and practical seminar “Educational work in higher educational establishment”, organized by Pedagogy and Educational Management Chair together with scientific and research...
On the basis of scientific and methodological center “National linguistic personality development in the framework of continuing education” was held III All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference “National and Linguistic Personality Development in Contemporary Educational Space”....
In the assembly hall of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held Festive Academy, dedicated to professional holiday of scientists – Day of Science. In May the celebration of Festive Academy in the framework of the festival of science has become a good tradition at our...
At Foreign Languages Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held International Educational Discussion Forum “LANGUAGE, EDUCATION, CULTURE: ANCIENT VALUES – CONTEMPORARY APPLICATION”. The forum has beсome one among a number of annual scientific events, orgsnized by...
Pavlo Tychyna USPU students triumphed at World Championship among students and Championship of Europe in weight lifting, which took place in Porto, Portugal from the 12th until 15th of May. Students of Physical Training Department Valentyn Khmilioviy (weight category – up to 75 kg) and Vadym...