A spring campaign lasting for a month in planning and organization of public services in our city has officially begun on the 1st of April, but people started to clean the city with spring coming and good weather.

Cleaning the territory of I. D. Cherniakhovskiy park he last Saturday USPU students joined city general actions in planning and organization of public services.

In the beginning of the campaign, on the 1st of April, first year students of History Department joined general city action of cleaning. They were willing to rake up leaves falling away, gathered litter, accumulated in winter. Everybody worked friendly and carefully, they helped each other.

Representatives of the other departments and the university workers also joined the city’s cleaning. They mostly removed remains of strewing material, sand and leaves. The students cleaned territories, belonging to the university. There is still a lot of work both before Easter and May Day holidays and the other days. At USPU people understand: cleanness is a source of health and good mood.

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