At the university sports ground took place competition in mini-football among women – II Sports Games of Cherkassy Region among HEI of III-IV levels of accreditation.

It was the first time the competitions took place at our university. In the competitions participated 3 mixed teams of the following universities – Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman National University of Horticulture and Bohdan Khmelnytskiy Cherkassy National University.

Solemnities on occasion of Sports Games opening began with performance of National Anthem of Ukraine. Yevhenia Parfionova and Halyna Bezverkhnia (dean of Physical Training Department, candidate of sciences in physical training and sports, professor) congratulated teams on an important sports event and wished to show the members their good preparation.

In the first game played girls from USPU and CNU. It should be noted here that a team from Uman plays for “Yatran-Basis-Umanfermmash”, which belongs to top division of Ukraine, and a team from Cherkassy – in I mini-football top division of Ukraine.

The game became suddenly, was vivid and both teams had their leaders, who took initiative for themselves. The Uman girls were first to score: Viktoria Muzyka scored 3 goals. In Cherkassy team the leader was Yulia Storchak, who scored 1 goal. As a result, the score was 3:1 and mixed team of USPU – winner.

In the second game sportsmen from Cherkassy met with students from the university of horticulture and had won. Therefore, our girls got a victory over the team from Agrarian University.

To sum up: I place took a mixed team of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University; II place – Bohdan Khmelnytskiy Cherkassy National University; III place – Uman National University of Horticulture.

Our congratulations on the victory to our excellent football players!

Пресцентр УДПУ