In Ukrainian House was held International Languages and Cultures Festival, in which participated 22 representatives from the countries all over the world. The event was organized by Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Ministry of the Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Ukrainian-Turkish Culture Centre “Sheen (Siayvo)”, Kyiv city State Administration, etc.

The International Languages and Cultures Festival was dedicated to experience and knowledge exchange, popularization of the Ukrainian Language among the foreigners, setting up friendly and tolerant relations among messengers of different continents. The participants of the festive program represented 22 countries and presented different vocal, instrumental and dance items.

In the fest participated students from Department of Arts at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University – instrumental ensemble “SerbianStar” (director – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Olena Ustymenko-Kosorich).

The ensemble participated in such a representative forum owing to support of the university rector, professor Oleksandr Besludniy. The Ambassador of Serbia Rade Bulatovic in his official letter expressed his gratitude to Oleksandr Ivanovych for the possibility of students from Serbia to participate in the event. “The Embassy invited students from Department of Arts at USPU Yovan Drmanich, Darko Markovych and Oleksandr Georgevich to participate in the event and perform Serbian music”.

Our students performed very well at the festival! The ambassador of Serbia Rade Bulatovic and First counsellor of the embassy Svetlana Koshutic personally thanked the students during a meeting.

The Ambassador of Serbia in his official letter to USPU rector, professor Oleksandr Besludniy said the following: “Dear Oleksandr Ivanovych!

Having such an opportunity, I’d like to thank you for your support and permit to participate students – Yovan Drmanich, Darko Markovych and Oleksandr Georgevich in the exhibition-fair in the framework of International Languages and Cultures Festival.

I hope that we will have the other opportunities to collaborate with your university.

My best regards, the Ambassador of Republic of Serbia, Rade Bulatovic.

Пресцентр УДПУ