Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On the 1st of April is celebrated International All Fools’ Day or April Fool’s Day. This day is not entered on a list of red-letter days, but it can be considered as generally recognized – All Fools’ Day is celebrated in a number of countries in the world. Probably, with funny jokes and...
On the 29th of May was held a training, dedicated to “Preparation to 2016 EIA in History of Ukraine”, on the basis of History Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. The seminar considered organization problems of EIA and prepared recommendations to pass it successfully. The rector’s assistant,...
The theme of III All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological seminar with international participation was “DEVELOPMENT OF LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF SEVERAL STAGES NATIONAL EDUCATION”. It was held on the basis of scientific and methodology centre in linguistics and didactics at...
Intellectual and entertaining competition “Beauty against Strength” was held at Social and Psychological Department. During 4 competitions 5 pairs of boys and girls were demonstrating their wits, logic, charisma, smartness, talents and the other. It is worth mentioning that for the first time...
Recently, choreographers team of USPU has won in First inter-university student Olympiad in specialty “Choreography”, which was held in Odessa. Today they have won again! Students of specialty “Music Arts” achieved good results at II International festival-competition “Music Pearls”, which was...
On the 27th of March is celebrated International Day of Theatre. It’s not only the professional holiday of artists, but audience’s and amateur’s, those who love stage arts. Our university can be proud that it is already the 16th anniversary of Student National Theatre of Drama and Comedy. Many...
At USPU began its work 2-days International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pavlo Tychyna crucifixion on the cross of fame” (dedicated to 120th anniversary from birth of the Poet). On the first day was held a plenary meeting, which was open by pro-rector in scientific work Vladylena...
On the 25th of March (second time of this year) was held Open Doors Day for the university entrants and their parents. Traditionally, the event began with registration of participants. In the university hall the guests were admitted by workers of career guidance department and pre-university...
Record of Ukraine, 2 first and 1 second place was a result of participation of USPU representatives in II Championship of Ukraine in Powerlifting and UPC among amateurs and professionals, which took place in Kyiv on the 18-20th of March. Kyiv visited the strongest sportsmen of our country,...
Pavlo Tychyna USPU has been chosen as a basic HEI in conducting II round of All-Ukrainian competition of students work in “Pedagogical Sciences” according to order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 13.10.2015 №1079. The competition was organized by Pedagogy and Educational...