Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University visited delegation from European Culture Institute at Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University in Gniezno. The delegation was headed by director of the institute, professor Leszek Mrozevich, the other members of the delegation – deputy head in international collaboration, doctor Katarzhyna Yendraschyk and professor Orest Krasivsky.

The guests were met by rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Besludniy and prorector in scientific work and international collaboration, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Vladylena Sokyrska.

During the meeting the perspectives of further collaboration and the program of double diploma have been discussed. The key aspects of scientific collaboration that anticipate common realization of scientific projects and probation period of the university workers were considered.

The guests from Poland met USPU students and told them about activity directions of European Culture Institute at Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University, its logistical supplies and conditions of study under double diploma. In the framework of this program students of our university have a possibility to obtain the additional specialty “European Communication”. Two diplomas is a real step to European integration.

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