On the 26th of April, 30th anniversary from Chornobyl disaster at nuclear power plant (NPP), Student Council of History Depatment conducted an event, dedicated to a mournful jubilee.

Students of the department prepared information and documentary on explosion at Chornobyl NPP about first victims of the accident.

PhD student at History of Ukraine Chair Ihor Opaskiy proposed to view the events at Chornobyl NPP both as facts from past and consequences of radiation pollution that still influence our life today. We should remember that Ukraine will be still polluted during many years. In the end of his speech Ihor Opatskiy proposed students to write down memories of their families and relatives, everybody, who participated in the events of the 26th of April, 1986 for the next generations.

Acting dean of History Department, professor Anatoliy Karasevych told students about significance of heroic deed by people, who localized the disaster at Chornobyl NPP and after liquidated its consequences. Professor Karasevych informed the event’s participants of liquidators from Cherkassy region and their life after the disaster. Personally, Anatoliy Oleksandrovych has been to the territory of Prypiat and shared his recollections on the city, now famous all over the world as “city-ghost” or “dead city”. In the end, acting dean accentuated on the necessity to remember those terrible events and take care of its liquidators.

Deputy dean in educative work Antonina Kukuruza thanked the students for their interest to an important program and stressed on necessity to remember the disaster not anly on the 26th of April, but always.


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