Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Charity action “Arts for Peace”, which has been started at the university the last year, has been continued this year. On occasion of International Day of Dancing, celebrated all over the world on 29th of April, was held Dance marathon – 2016 “We are Ukrainians”. The event was organized by...
At Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University sports ground was held a competition in mini-football among students from Turkmenistan. In the competition participated 5 mixed teams of the university’s different department: “ENISH” (Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics),...
According to the order of Ministry of Education and science of Ukraine from 27.12.2015 №1247 “On conducting of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in 2015/2016 academic year” at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held II stage of All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in Specialty “Technology...
Before Easter holidays at Professional and Technology Education Department was held a master class in pysankys writing “Wonderful World of Pysanka”, in which participated leaders of Uman circles and students. During the event assistant professor at Technology Education Chair Valentyna...
Pavlo Tychyna USPU library organized an unforgettable meeting with talented and creative writers: our fellow countrymen Sasha Kochubei, Oleh Chaklun, Ivan Andrusyak and Serhiy Pantyuk, there books were presented by publishing house “Fairy Tales Fountain”, found in Kyiv, in spring of 2014.
Dear students, lecturers, the university workers! Dear colleagues! Accept our hearty congratulations on majesty Christian holiday – Jesus Christ’s Resurrection! We are waiting for Easter impatiently, having special feelings in our heart. Easter holidays stimulate to think over about the...
Dear colleagues! Dear students! Accept our frank congratulations on the wonderful holiday of Spring and Work! 1st of May – is a holiday of those, who provides prosperity and well-being of our country. A hard-working person deserves respect and admiration.
On the 21st of April in the framework of All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Future teacher in Philology development in the process of regional folklore study” was held a meeting of Chrysanth Yaschurzhynskyy Student Folklore Scientific Society, dedicated to traditional pysankys...
At USPU was held the 26th festival of pedagogical craftsmanship. The theme of this festival was dedicated to 125th anniversary from birth of Pavlo Tychyna – a poet, academician, public man, Minister of Education. All the ideas of the festival organizers were supported by rector of the...
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University announced a competition for vacant places of scientific and pedagogical workers, whose fixed date labour agreement term had been expired. According to the rector’s order, they should pass a competition.