Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Igor Kryvosheya, the Scientific Director of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center is visiting the Polish sister-cities of Uman. Thus, on November the 13th the Polish Cultural and Educational Center of USPU signed an agreement on cooperation with the city cultural center in Lancut. On signing...
The "well fed students" fair was taking place at the Physics and Mathematics Department as part of celebrating the Students' Day. "That is the sure way of refuting the statement that the student is always hungry", the organizers of the event were joking. The event took place in the lobby of...
We sincerely and warmly congratulate Tetiana Kuznets, the Dean of History Department on the successful defense of a Doctoral Degree thesis in Historical Sciences specializing in "History of Ukraine", and Alla Kyrydon, her scientific adviser, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. In...
The XXIV "Education and Career - the Student Day of 2013" International Exhibition and "Education abroad" international exhibition of educational establishments took place on the 14-16th of November, 2013 at the "Ukrainian House" National Center for business and cultural cooperation. It was...
On behalf of the staff USPU Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector and Oleksandr Osadchiy, the Head of the Trade Union congratulated the agricultural workers of the district on their professional holiday. On the eve of the holiday there were festive events at the Cultural Center of Rodnykivka village....
Dear students! Dear friends! I heartily congratulate you on the International Student Day! The student life is an important stage of personal development; it is the time of setting the life goals and priorities, a large step on the way of knowledge. Students always possess such important...
As part of the cooperation agreement between Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Jan Amos Comenius State Higher Vocational School (Poland) every year there is the student exchange program. Polish Cultural Centre maintains its progress at all stages. This year, Tetiana Matola and...
Representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University - Igor Kryvosheya, the Scientific Director of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center, and Peter Pyzel, the teacher of Polish language, Ph.D. in Humanities took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the...
Last week, the residents of dormitories participated in an interesting and unusual event "The hostel competition." The name competition is symbolic because it was held in a friendly atmosphere throughout the entire week of competition.
"Echoes of the January uprising in Uman district" exhibition of copies of documents dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Polish national liberation uprising of 1863 - 1864 took place on November the 13th at the Municipal Cultural Center in Lancut (Poland) which celebrated its 40th...