Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Ivanna Vysochanska, the third-year student of the Ukrainian Philology Department at USPU won the third place in the regional stage of the IV International language and literarature competition named after Taras Shevchenko. The competition was held in Cherkasy on the basis of Cherkasy National...
There was a creative program of the amateur bands and performers of the Uman, dedicated to the 60 anniversary of the Cherkasy Oblast and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko in the City House of Culture. Among the participants there were the representatives of Pavlo Tychyna...
Saint Nicholas is a miracle creator, a benefactor, a magician. Since the ancient times Ukrainians have believed in his wonders. On the night of the 19th of December, the day of his memory, he carries gifts for children, introduces the winter, gives the blessing for noble deeds. The students of...
According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from the 9th to 14th of December Ukraine celebrates a week of justice. Therefore, USPU has been holding a number of events during this time. During the week the students were meeting with the law enforcement representatives. The Legal Clinic in...
St. Andriy’s Day has been one of the most fun and active holidays of youth from the ancient times because it deals with the charming Old Ukrainian traditions. This holiday is also particularly popular among the contemporary students. Therefore it has become a good tradition to hold St. Andriy’s...
On December the 13th a monument to the Chernobyl accident casualties was erected in the city park near Uman Pedagogical College on Radyanska Street. This remarkable event took place on the day before the commemoration of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. The 14th of December is...
Since the ancient times Ukraine has been famous for a variety of customs, traditions and rituals. Vechornytsy parties used to begin late November and continue into the beginning of the great feast. Those were mostly the girls taking part in vechornytsy but boys sometimes also participated. The...
The poetry of Taras Shevchenko is immortal! It lives on in the hearts of more and more generations of our countrymen. This was proved by the Shevchenko’s literary reading which took place in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and was dedicated to the 200th birth anniversary of the...
"Think globally and act locally" environmental slogan has become well-known among the students of the Economics Department of our University. A lot of activities were initiated as part of the environmental education program. One of those activities was the "Environmental education is the key to...
"Poetry is always unique, It is a touch of the immortal soul". These are the words of Lina Kostenko that have brought together the fans of literature of the History Department. Recently, the students and teachers gathered at the second meeting of the lovers of literature. The evening began...