Igor Kryvosheya, the Scientific Director of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center is visiting the Polish sister-cities of Uman. Thus, on November the 13th the Polish Cultural and Educational Center of USPU signed an agreement on cooperation with the city cultural center in Lancut. On signing the agreement Igor Kryvosheya expressed his gratitude to Andrzej Pyehovsky, the Director of Municipal cultural center of Lancut for the contribution into the development of Polish-Ukrainian relations and partnership and co-operation between Uman and Lancut. On the occasion of 40 years anniversary of ?a?cut cultural center the Polish Cultural and Educational Centre received an honorary award.

Photo: signing the agreement in Łańcut

Two days later, November 15, 2013 a similar agreement was signed in Gniezno city - the first capital of Poland. The cooperation agreement between the Polish Cultural and Educational Center of Pavlo Tychyna USPU and the city cultural center was signed by Igor Kryvosheya, the Research Director of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center and Jacek Kowalski, President of Gniezno who has always contributed into the life of the cultural center together with the community of Gniezno since the year of its foundation. This time there was another pleasant surprise. Jacek Kowalski thanked Igor Kryvosheya for fruitful cooperation and gave a laptop to the Polish Cultural and Educational Center of USPU on behalf of the residents of Gniezno. In his turn, Igor Kryvosheya thanked for the true generosity and continued support of the Polish representatives and handed awards to Jacek Kowalski, Jerzy Stahovyak, Paul Kostusyak, school number 3 named after St. Wojciech and the Institute of European Cultures of Gniezno from the Polish cultural center for a significant contribution into the development of Polish- Ukrainian relations and partnership cooperation between Uman and Gniezno cities.

We hope that the long-term cooperation with the sister cities of Uman will continue to be efficient and contribute to the mutual enrichment of Polish and Ukrainian cultures.

Photo: Handing the awards in Łańcut

Photo: signing the cooperation agreement in Gniezno

Photo: the President of Gniezno presents a laptop to the Polish cultural center

Polish Cultural and Educational Center